Political Judaism and Zionist pathology
Karl Marx wrote “On the Jewish Question.” He said Jews can overcome this problem with materialism and secularization. Additionally, Max Weber says in his comparative religions study that Judaism is a “pariah religion.” Weber actually draws attention to the sociological formation of Judaism that develops with the Jews becoming a pariah society. Becoming a pariah means enslavement. It is a rank that is at the bottom of the caste system. Truly, Jews have turned into pariah nation in various periods of history. They were pariahs under the Pharaoh’s domination. Prophet Moses wanted to save them from this state. However, due to their pariahdom, they said, “You go fight with your God.” They became pariahs again later in the Roman era. Pariahdom is basically always the fate in the historic destiny of the Jewish people.

Jewish sociologist Emile Durkheim’s brother-in-law, Alfred Dreyfus, was stripped of all his ranks; his weapons were removed and he was dismissed from his post and also arrested on accusations by the French state for being a German spy because he was Jewish. This incident is mentioned in Western history as the Dreyfus Affair. Jews were always excluded from the military and political areas, and imprisoned in neighborhoods. In response to this, the Jews created dominance through the economy and art, rendering states indebted to them. Jews, who became a Western diaspora and otherized and thus, enveloped by a deep awareness of pariahdom, re-politicized when they started searching for a nation-state. Political Judaism emerged. They produced a pathology to overcome the historical pariah sociology. Zionism was a pathology produced by political Judaism to overcome pariahdom.

During World War II, in addition to the exiles, isolations by the Western community and the Holocaust, Jews experienced the worst form of pariahdom. The entire West, primarily the British and Americans, felt they were reliving the “mortal sin.” They were ready to atone for this. The Zionism pathology could have been a way for redemption for them too. As a result, they started to support Zionism. They were going to achieve two things through this. First, the Christian community would be confessing for the mortal historic sin it committed. Second, they would drive Muslim lands into never-ending internal conflict. Despite its secularization claim, the Christian community had become aware of the sin they committed against Jews and wanted to redeem themselves. However, rather than running to priests and churches for redemption, they ran to Zionists. They supported them. They laid claim to the utopian promised lands. This way, they would escape the cursed subconscious of historical sins.

Zionism is a pathology that emerged from the special historical conditions of the relationship between Judaism and the West. This is what the social psychoanalysis of Judaism shows us. Here, political Judaism turns, along with a distorted Jewish faith, into a cursed organization, a utopia, a goal and ties. Efforts are made to solve the problem of pariahdom with domination formed around the awareness of supremacy. The historical and sociological grief, massacres, deprivations and grudges that come with pariahdom are tried to be overcome with the response of supremacy. This is the fantasy to turn Jews into masters who command the whole world. The ideology of eliminating enslavement through the enslavement of others. The obsession of solving enslavement by producing slavery. This is what Zionism is in the complete sense. Here, Palestinians and Muslims are the first addressees of enslavement. They are trying to apply the concept of supremacy over them. A video in circulation of the education given to Jewish children shows this in a striking manner. A Jewish primary school. Inspectors wearing kippahs. Teachers ask students and the students respond in unison. Do you believe in the Temple of Solomon? Where will the temple be built? At Masjid al-Aqsa. What will happen to Masjid al-Aqsa? It will be destroyed. What will happen to Jerusalem? It will be completely Jewish. Arabs will die or become slaves. The inspectors in the end say: They have learned it all so well.

This dialogue does not take place at a militant or terrorist camp. It’s happening at a Jewish primary school in Israel. The school has actually turned into a terrorist camp. They carry out brainwashing sessions. Education programs regarding how to make others pariahs without oneself becoming a pariah are being run. This is what Israel’s politics are all about. This is what it disciplines Jews with from start to end. This is where Israeli Zionism’s multilateral destructiveness comes from. This destructiveness knows no rule. It produces pathological destructiveness and continues its existence through abnormalities. Israel is a pathology in the world, including in the Muslim world and on Palestinian territory. Unless we overcome this, this pathology will reach us all, because it is contagious.
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