Dec. 17/25... ‘We won’t be fooled again’

They may still not have understood that we will not bow down. They may still not have understood that we will not say “OK” to their directives. As a matter of fact, they might be waiting for is to “throw our hands in the air” and give up. 

They may still think they can convince us about their theories. 

 But, we are now aware of the plans and will not be fooled again. 

All that we have experienced in the last four to five years really opened our eyes, and we saw the conspiracies around us, the plots against us. 

Everything we experienced from the Gezi Park provocation to the Dec. 17 and Dec. 25, 2013 judicial coup attempt, the July 15, 2016 coup and invasion attempt opened our eyes wide. 

The Dec. 17/25 US-based attempt

It’s Dec. 17 today. In other words, the anniversary of the Dec. 17/25 judicial coup attempt. 

Though years have passed over that sinister incident we experienced in the last days of 2013, its impact is ongoing. 

That day, businessmen behind Turkey’s megaprojects, Turkey’s national bank, an authority in the international sphere, and as a result, the leader of this entire adventure were placed on the target board.  We were subjected to a major perception operation with illegal wire tappings, fabrications attached to those tappings, voiceovers, fabricated documents and mise en scenes. 

I can’t forget, the Fetullah Terrorist Organization’s (FETÖ) media outlet published the headline “$100 billion” corruption. The $100 billion were calculated by listing the total cost of all of Turkey’s megaprojects, and this was presented as corruption. 

Later, Turkey’s visionary projects and national brands were targeted under the pretext of a “corruption and bribery” operation with a mise en scene revealed to be planned with the conspirator police, and in the last instance, the aim was to handcuff then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and topple him.

Thankfully, the operation bid of FETÖ-member police and judiciary militants was destroyed with Erdoğan’s great upright stance, the extraordinary efforts of a handful of politicians and bureaucrats who trusted and believed in him, and the people’s confidence in this effort. (The results of the March 2014 local election that followed this incident is an indication of this.)


FETÖ’s ropes in US hands

However, we find out today that the lowly FETÖ terrorists did not plan and perpetrate the Dec. 17/25 judicial coup attempt themselves. The disclosures of a FETÖ terrorist standing in the staged court ongoing in the U.S. as a “witness” is indicative of this. When we look at how he fled from Turkey, how he was released from prison and who helped him economically, we face a very clear picture.

Back then, we had a couple of clues as to what may happen behind the curtains, but we could not see it this clear. Today, the curtain is up and we are face to face with a much clearer picture: The U.S., which holds the ropes of FETÖ’s will, is the one that had FETÖ conduct the Dec. 17/25 judicial coup attempt.

The U.S.’s intelligence staff have wormed their way among us. FETÖ is only a tool. Looking at the lies former police chief Hüseyin Korkmaz told after being released from prison in Turkey, there were some people in the street who wondered, “Could we be treating him unjustly?” As a matter of fact, upon seeing his mother in footage cry outing, “I never fed my son anything other than that which was halal [permissible]. My son is not a traitor,” there were times some thought, “What if?” However, we saw that Korkmaz was a miscreant right at the center of the conspiracy. He was even behind the planning of the matter which he said, “I have no involvement.”

How do we know all this? Of course, from Korkmaz’s statement in the Reza Zarrab case in the U.S., which coincided exactly with the anniversary of the Dec. 17/25 coup attempt. The staged court in the U.S. started as the Zarrab case, turned into the Hakan Atilla case, and now, they want to turn it into the Turkey and Erdoğan case – just as the Dec. 17/25 conspiracy started off like it was targeting certain ministers and bureaucrats, but turned toward Erdoğan. 

Yet, this is all in vain, as FETÖ-member Korkmaz’s intricate relationship with the FBI and Zarrab’s “lies” are signs that the case was planned from the very beginning as a conspiracy against Turkey. But both FETÖ and the U.S., similar to Dec. 17/25, 2013, are once again playing with “perception.”

Like I said, we will not be fooled again. We are aware of everything that is happening. This awareness is the guarantee that we will no longer bow down whenever they want. It is the guarantee that we will no longer say “OK” to directives.

May God protect this nation from another disease like FETÖ and another conspiracy like the Dec. 17/25 coup attempt.
#Dec. 17-25
#Reza Zarrab
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