The stage we reached in the Resolution Process

A critical deadlock has developed in the Resolution Process.

Under these conditions, it’s necessary to keep the peace desire strong and say “peace, no matter what.”

Jonathan Powel, one of the important names in the IRA peace process, previously said; “The important thing is to keep pedaling”.

Then, are we pedaling?


However, there are some issues.

Here is the picture:

Strong willpower exists on both the government’s and Öcalan’s side. Qandil (the PKK community base in the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq) had once again come into play in order to block the Resolution Process. As for HDP; they are like a swing.

The Resolution Process has some weak points. One of them is the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, or HDP’s politically weak communication.

One of the most important factors in the success of the IRA process was the fact that Sinn Fein, a political structure, was stronger than the IRA, which was an armed terrorist organization.

If Gerry Adams were leading the HDP, he would have made a very positive contribution to the Resolution Process.

Unfortunately, Selahattin Demirtaş prefers to make statements, like Cemil Bayık’s (Qandil), from time to time, instead of being the pioneer of peace, like Gerry Adams.

The Resolution Process turned the HDP into a strong addressee. Qandil’s attitude, which blocks up the peace, is also a trap laid out for the HDP. At this stage, even the HDP’s announcement of Öcalan’s message will help the process gain a great acceleration. However, isn’t the HDP doing this? I’ve asked a similar question yesterday, but I didn’t receive an answer yet. I’ll continue asking until I receive one. Will the HDP release Öcalan’s, “The time of weapons is over. The Kurdish movement will continue on its way with democratic politics. In this year’s Nowruz, I’ll call PKK to gather a congress to stop the armed struggle” message?

By the way, it’s understood that Öcalan’s clear message on the matter of laying down arms had caused confusion within Qandil. It’s being observed that the maneuver area of Qandil, who was expecting Öcalan to add some condition to the beginning or ending of his words, is being narrowed against this short and clear message.

Thus, after the message dated February 4th, Qandil has demanded a second booster message from Öcalan. Such a message had also been delivered to Qandil. In response, instead of inviting the PKK congress to talk over disarmament, Qandil had made a move to block up the process. Because Qandil is not objecting to Öcalan’s message’s context. They are objecting to its existence. Then, does this point at a permanent situation? Will Qandil, who is blocking the resolution, return back to an armed struggle?

Öcalan needs Qandil, and Qandil also needs him. While Öcalan needs an armed organization, Qandil also requires Öcalan, who has correspondence between the masses.

Thus, neither can Qandil be without Öcalan, nor Öcalan without the PKK.

Qandil is an infected structure.

An organization, which has self-interest based relationships with the American and British intelligence agencies and also with Iran and Israel, and, which is has been run by the same people for the past 30 years….

A structure, which bases its existence on the armed struggle. However, ultimately, the personnel, which will be striking an attitude in the direction of Öcalan, are the majority in Qandil.

When Öcalan established PKK, they had told him; “Keep Turkey busy”. Now, it’s understood that they are telling Qandil “don’t lay down arms”.

However, Öcalan is thinking more strategically. As an individual, who had started the armed struggle and established a terrorist organization like PKK, he is aiming to become a leader that provided disarmament.

Thus, Qandil’s attitude is not sustainable.

Maybe the coasters of İmralı won’t be working for a while; however, the meetings with Öcalan will continue.

Ankara holds the opinion that a great opportunity in the name of peace has been missed. The plan was to take a valuable step in the name of peace following the joint announcement of HDP and the government. Even though it seems like this opportunity has been missed, the determination on acquiring peace still continues.

The objective is the gathering of the PKK congress with the disarmament agenda. Because, it’s being said that “We are ahead in comparison to the point we’ve started”. Similar to Prime Minister Davutoğlu’s “We’ve crossed half of the river, there is no turning back”.

This ticket had been issued as a one-way ticket. For the first time, the Resolution Process has entered the program of the government. A three point legislation, which regulates the legal infrastructure of the resolution, had been released. With the amendment in the MIT law, a legal guarantee had been assigned to the meetings with PKK. Resolution councils had been formed.

HDP Co-Chairman, Selahattin Demirtaş had mentioned a ten-point homework of the government related with resolution. The issue here is not the completion of the homework. In the name of peace, it can be a ten-point, or even, fifteen-point, homework that will be done and also will be given. What’s important was HDP’s attitude against Öcalan’s calling. HDP failed the class. Besides, it would be sufficient if the Kurdish political movement gets rid of their “homework giving” tone and acts according to Öcalan’s strategic vision, leave aside being in harmony with the government.

Ankara is realistic.

As long as ISIL’s existence continues, they are not expecting Qandil to lay down arms during a critical period, where the Kurds need weapons the most because of the developments in the Middle East – Syria, Iraq and Iran being in the first place. What’s being expected is for PKK to stop their armed struggle in Turkey. It’s quite hard, however, not impossible.

Che Guevara once said, “Be realistic, ask for the impossible”. Our task is easier. We want to be realistic and desire a resolution.

Qandil’s attitude against the resolution is breaking our hopes. We are passing  through a period that requires us to be realistic. However, there are also factors that require us to be hopeful in the name of resolution.

The government’s and Öcalan’s determination on resolution.

The public’s strong support towards resolution.

Important steps had been taken in the name of resolution. The process matured and became visible. In the name of peace, we had entered a path with no return. A one-way ticket had been issued for peace.

9 years ago
The stage we reached in the Resolution Process
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