Biden can't please Israel!

My apologies for the oversight. Here's a more natural version of the text:

The decision by US President Joe Biden to halt the shipment of "500" and "2000" kilogram bombs to Israel was met with backlash from staunchly pro-Israel Members of Congress. These lawmakers argue that the weapons shipment should not be interrupted under any circumstances.

Republicans are using Biden's suspension decision to disrupt the relationship between Democrats and the "Israel Lobby." The majority of Jewish Americans in the US tend to vote for Democrats. Trump, who often criticized Biden for fulfilling every wish of Netanyahu during his presidency, targeted Jewish Americans who voted for Biden. Some billionaire Jewish donors who contribute to Democrats are also pushing for Biden to reverse the suspension decision.

However, apart from the bombs mentioned earlier, the arms shipments to Israel are still ongoing. Biden, who approved an additional $15 billion aid package to Israel, is preparing to bring another $1 billion military aid to Congress immediately after the suspension decision.

The Republicans, who control the majority in the House of Representatives, introduced a bill to vote on to prevent the interruption of arms shipments to Israel. Last Thursday, 224 Representatives voted "Yes" to the bill, while 187 voted "No." Seventeen pro-Israel Democrats voted "Yes," while 13 Democrats did not vote. Only three Republicans voted "No" on the bill. It is unlikely that the bill will pass the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. Biden is expected to veto the bill if it passes the Senate. Therefore, it seems that the aim of the bill is to deepen the "Israel divide" among Democrats.

Israel receives nearly $4 billion in military aid from the US every year. The approximately $15 billion aid approved by the House and Senate and signed by Biden is the largest aid allocated for a single year in the last 50 years. Since 1946, 70% of the weapons on Israel's imported weapons list come from the US.

Despite all this aid, Biden's decision to halt some bomb shipments has been strongly criticized by the "Israel Lobby," "Neoconservatives," and Israel. Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir even described Biden as pro-Hamas on social media. There are even few who have not declared Biden, who says "I am a Zionist", who pours weapons and money to Israel, who has repeatedly vetoed in the UN to protect Israel, as "anti-Semitic".

Biden bases the justification for the suspension decision on preventing Netanyahu from launching a ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. On the other hand, members of Israel's Security Cabinet who are against Netanyahu also support a ground operation in Rafah.

Although the Biden Administration seems to be pressing for more attention to civilian casualties, more humanitarian aid, and an end to large-scale military operations, there has been no change in Netanyahu's behavior. It is evident that Netanyahu does not take Biden seriously. In fact, according to a report on the Axios website, Ron Dermer, who served as Israel's Ambassador to Washington during the Obama and Trump administrations, said that Netanyahu would not dare to continue the suspension of the shipment. If true, why should Netanyahu stop?

Indeed, a report submitted by the Biden Administration to Congress concluded that the assurances given by the Israeli government regarding the use of American weapons were "credible and reliable" to allow for the provision of defense materials. Biden published a "National Security Memorandum" in February. The Memorandum includes the use of American weapons in accordance with domestic laws, international agreements, and universal humanitarian law. The report presented to Congress was about the results of this audit. The report is notable for not accusing Israel, despite the presence of clear evidence, of halting the shipment of weapons. It seems that the hidden purpose of this report is to ensure that there is no evidence against Israel in the ongoing cases at the "International Court of Justice" and the "International Criminal Court." This report cannot be explained otherwise.

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