Is the ‘Russia Puzzle’ in Washington being solved?

The decision U.S. President Donald Trump is going to make in relation to the “Iran Nuclear Deal” is going to become clear this weekend. The comments made to date and the developments we have so far witnessed form the opinion that Trump is going to withdraw from the deal. Trump withdrawing from the deal and new sanctions being imposed on Iran is going to negatively impact both other signatory countries and numerous countries that do business with Iran. The likelihood that the tension between Iran and Israel may lead to war has led to an increase in oil prices. Breaking off the deal is going to further escalate tensions.

Meanwhile, it is said that former U.S. President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry is in active operation behind the scenes for the “Iran deal” to continue. According to the media, Kerry held meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini. Kerry’s contacts are being harshly criticized by Trumpists. As a matter of fact, Kerry is being accused of “treachery.”

While everyone’s attention is on the decision Trump is going to make on May 12, the “Russia Investigation” carried out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still a complete mystery. New information is being revealed daily. The other day, it was revealed that the boss of investment company “Colony NortStar,” Tom Barrack, is also under investigation. Barrack, one of the donators of Trump’s presidential campaign, had headed the “Presidential Opening Committee” after the elections. According to the article published by Politico magazine, 315 names were added to this investigation. As many as 200 are directly linked to Trump. There are 75 foreign citizens, mostly Russian, in the “Russia Puzzle.” These 315 figures are a big puzzle showing how deep and complex the “Russia Investigation” is. Nobody can guess what awaits Trump at the end of the puzzle. Thus, Trumpist Republicans are pressuring Trump to use his presidential authority and have both Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein dismissed.

One other problem occupying the Trump administration is Gina Haspel, who was nominated for the position of CIA chief. The first session for CIA Deputy Director Haspel at the “Senate Select Committee on Intelligence” (SSCI) starts on May 9. Haspel is accused of approving torture on the suspects detained in the CIA’s secret prisons during the George W. Bush administration. It is said that Haspel has a role in the elimination of the videotapes showing the tortures. Fifty-three top figures, including former CIA directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta, Michael Hayden, Porter Goss, George Tenet and William Webster, sent a letter to the SSCI and asked for Haspel’s approval. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is also among the signatories. Brennan, Panetta, Hayden and Clapper, who directed heavy accusations toward Trump, and many names who are known to support Trump are in alliance with respect to Haspel’s approval.

Haspel, who has an effective campaign against her, has it tough. It is said that Haspel wants to withdraw herself from the running so as to prevent herself from falling into the position of Trump’s doctor, Admiral Ronny Jackson, but she was convinced by the White House to continue on her path. Jackson, who is suggested for secretary of Veteran Affairs, had withdrawn from candidacy due to the claims against him.

Trump had accused the FBI of being a “deep state” institution that conspired against him. Lisa Page, who is mentioned in claims linked to the “Russia Investigation” as an “anti-Trump FBI agent,” resigned on Friday. Page was Deputy General Manager Andrew McCabe’s adviser. Another name that resigned on the same day is James Baker, one of the advisers to FBI Director James Comey – who was dismissed by Trump last year. While Trump is headed toward breaking the “Iran Nuclear Deal,” the atmosphere in Washington is again very chaotic.

6 years ago
Is the ‘Russia Puzzle’ in Washington being solved?
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