The civil war between the Evangelicals is heating up!

Infighting is raging among American Evangelical Christians regarding supporting Trump in the 2020 presidential elections. In fact, they are currently engaging in a full-fledged civil war.

This war was triggered with the article written on Dec.19 in Christianity Today, the flagship of evangelist media, by editor-in-chief Mark Galli.

I drew a detailed picture of this conflict last Sunday. Galli pointed out that Evangelists’ support of Trump was in contradiction with moral legitimacy.

He also defended that Trump should be impeached due to the “Ukraine scandal.”

Despite the zealous support for Trump by certain evangelists, Galli is resolutely saying that he will not back down.

Evangelists, who comprise of a fourth of American voters, for the most part, supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential elections.

The Democratic Party’s political line and the agenda of Christian- Zionist Evangelicals have basically amalgamated.

Trump openly supported Netanyahu‘s annexation policies in Israel.

Galli’s report paved the way for debates on the influence and representation of the Evangelists.

The exact number of the Evangelists in the US isn’t certain. Since the Evangelicals, a branch of Protestantism, are not represented by a single institution like the Catholics and a Pope, they diversify in definition and numbers.

Those living in America are defined by the churches they represent.

They are evaluated in studies under a few categories. About 80 percent of evangelicals voted for Trump in the 2016 elections. This rings true for white evangelists but not Black or Hispanic ones.

A 2018 report published by The Christian Post, another Evangelical publication, shows that Trump -supporting evangelicals represent about half, at best, and likely less than half, of all evangelicals.

The overwhelming majority of American Black and Hispanic Evangelicals, on the other hand, vote for Democrats due to the fact that African and Latin American origin evangelists are most gravely perturbed by Trump’s migrant policies.

Mark Galli has branded those pro-Trump evangelists, who have criticized him, as being “far-right.”

Furthermore, 200 or so prominent pro-Trump evangelists penned a letter to president of Christianity Today Dr. Timothy Dalrymple and condemned Galli defining them as “far-rightists.”

The fact that Evangelists leaders, in addition to criticizing Trump being targeted, emphasized the importance of their support for Israel in the letter, was very telling.

The signatories of the letter include Trump's religious advisors, Paula White Cain, Robert Jeffres and Jerry Falwell. Reverend Jeffres was one of the first speakers at the inauguration ceremony of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem in May 2018.

On Jan. 3, Trump, who accused Christianity Today of being far-left, will attend the Evangelicals for Trump event at a megachurch in Miami within the context of his campaign for the 2020 presidential elections.

This event, which will take place at the King Jesus Ministry Church, will bring evangelists supporting the re-election of Donald Trump across the country together.

The Trump rift among evangelist media outlets also took its toll on the Christian Post publication. It published an editorial supporting Trump and criticizing Christianity Today and Mark Galli.

Political editor of the Post Napp Nazworth resigned, citing this editorial as a justification.

Nazworth, who pointed out that he chose to represent a small and shrinking segment of evangelical Christians, stated that this choice could be beneficial in the short term but that it was detrimental within the context of the Bible and democracy.

The resignation of Nazworth, who depicts himself as an anti-Trump Evangelist, is a harbinger that the civil war among the evangelicals is going to deepen.

#Civil War
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The civil war between the Evangelicals is heating up!
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