The West's Faustian Bargain...

It's not something new; the goal of the Zionist leaders governing Israel is to leave no Palestinian in the occupied and besieged territories. This has been Israel's gradual approach since 1948. Undoubtedly, without the open and covert support of the U.S. and Western governments, Israel wouldn't be able to carry out these actions on its own. With the backing of the U.S., Israel has been disregarding so-called international law for decades. Allowing the New Nazis of the 21st century to act with impunity. Western governments can't say 'stop' to the brutality that wounds humanity; they merely mumble something.

Recently, the Foreign Ministers of the 'G7,' consisting of the U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the European Union High Representative, issued a joint statement. Once again, they mumbled, talked about the humanitarian crisis, and endorsed Israel's 'right to self-defense.' They reiterated their so-called commitment to a Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution. However, even with Israel targeting civilians, especially children and women, they couldn't call for a 'permanent ceasefire.'

In a recent article by Jewish writer Yuval Abraham published on ' +972 Magazine' and 'Local Call' in Israel, he highlighted how an artificial intelligence-based system facilitates mass assassinations. The Nazi-Zionists have given this system the name 'Habsora,' meaning 'Gospel' in Hebrew, perhaps to express gratitude to their Western allies. This system operates like a 'mass assassination factory,' predicting the loss of hundreds of civilian lives around targeted residences. According to Abraham's intelligence sources, the Israeli Army knowingly approves the killing of Palestinians, mostly women and children. The sources state that the primary purpose of the attacks is to harm civilians.

Israel has killed more than 15,000 people in Gaza, of which 70% are women and children, and they continue to do so. There's no distinction between the north, south, east, or west; the target is the millions of people living in the open-air prison of Gaza. White House National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby, in a statement, acknowledged the deaths of numerous civilians in Gaza and 'pleaded' for acceptance. Kirby, on October 7th, was visibly moved on screen when talking about Israelis killed in Hamas attacks, saying, 'These are human beings, family members, friends, cousins, brothers, and sisters.' They are openly mocking the world. Kirby, when addressing the more than ten thousand children and women killed in Gaza, calmly says, 'It is clear that many, thousands of civilians have been killed. Thousands more have been injured... We are not blind to the humanitarian crisis.'

A neighborhood is overrun by thugs who indiscriminately kill anyone in their path—men, women, children, and the elderly. Their sponsors have blocked the roads to the neighborhood, preventing anyone from intervening or offering help. These sponsors are also the ones supplying the weapons used in the massacres. This is the role of Israel's supporters in Gaza.

American Jewish journalist Philip Weiss, opposed to Zionism, rebels against the Biden Administration. The title of Weiss's article on 'Mondoweiss' on November 29th was, 'Thanks to the Israel Lobby, Biden has become 'Genocide Joe.' Weiss asks, 'Why is Biden incapable of doing what any honest person would do and opposing Israel's apocalyptic destruction and massacres in Gaza?' Weiss points out that Biden, preparing for the 2024 elections, fears losing the financial support of the Israel Lobby, making him unable to say 'stop' to Netanyahu and Israel.

In short, the 'Faustian Bargain,' symbolizing the dirty deal between man and devil, is famous in the Western world. Executed as 'selling one's soul to the devil,' the ultimate result of the bargain is that the gains obtained are nothing compared to the losses. Americans are familiar with the deal with the devil through Washington Irving's story 'The Devil and Tom Walker,' written in 1859. Walker, who made a deal with the devil, turns from a poor man to a ruthless, cruel moneylender, extremely miserly but very wealthy. The days pass quickly. When the bargain's time is up, the devil appears, throws Walker into his horse's saddle, cracks his whip, and disappears. Tom Walker's entire wealth is burned and destroyed, leaving nothing behind.

#Faustian Bargain
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