Trump declares war against the 'Deep State'!

President Donald Trump's appointment of U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, as the Deputy Director to the "National Intelligence Directorate" in charge of overseeing 17 intelligence agencies has fueled debate about the “Deep State” in the country.

There was speculation about such a move in late 2019, when news broke out that Trump would bring John McEntee to become one of his "Presidential Advisers". According to these reports, Trump commissioned McEntee to purge all those speculated of having ties to the Deep State.

McEntee worked as a consultant in Trump's 2016 election campaign. After Trump was elected President, he brought in McEntee as his personal advisor at the White House. However, McEntee was fired in 2018 by the White House Secretary General, John Kelly, without even being allowed to grab his jacket on the grounds that he had "no security clearance". Trump did not abandon McEntee, who was loyal to him, and hired him again to work for him in the 2020 reelection campaign.

Trump has long mainained that there was a "Deep State" working against him within the federal state, especially the Department of Justice and the "Intelligence Community."

According to the Trumpers, the "Deep State" was making various attempts to get Trump impeached. The "Russian Investigation" carried out by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was also the work of the Deep State.

Trump's first sacking of FBI President James Comey and later FBI Vice President Andrev McCabe was seen as a part of his war against the Deep State.

After the “Impeachment Inquiry” resulted in accord in the Senate, Trump's sacking of some names from the “National Security Council” showed that the war was in full-throttle.

Trump's appointment of German Ambassador Grenell as Deputy National Intelligence Director is also part of this process. However, it is stated that Grenell will remain in this position until mid-March.

The National Intelligence Deputy Director Joseph Maguire's sacking and the replacement of Grenell further sparked the "Deep State" debates.

Retired Admiral Maguire was appointed following the dismissal of National Intelligence Director Dan Coats in July 2019. Prior to this, Maguire had served as the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

Dan Coats and the "US Intelligence Community" argued that Russia intervened in 2016 in favor of Trump in the Presidential elections. Trump dismissed the claim as a “Deep State conspiracy”.

According to Coats, Russia is again preparing to intervene in the Presidential elections in 2020. That is why Trump dismissed Coats, according to reports circulating in U.S. media.

However, Admiral Maguire, who was appointed as Deputy Director, was not good enough for Trump either. He was extremely angry when he insisted that the Russians were preparing to intervene in the 2020 elections in a briefing by the National Intelligence Directorate at the "House of Representatives." According to media leaks from the briefing, the Russians further diversified their tools of intervention.

Trump's National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said he has not seen a classified intelligence report that the Russians will intervene in favor of Trump. According to O'Brian, there were contradictory views within the "Intelligence Community."

According to O’Brien, the Russians, on the contrary, do not want Trump, but Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, to win the elections. O’Brian also stated that he had heard the allegation that he found credible from the FBI.

According to Trump, Democrats are exaggerating these claims to use as election fodder. "This is disinformation. That's the only thing they're good at, they're not good at anything else," Trump blasted Democrats at a rally in Las Vegas.

Republicans and Democrats quote different briefings on the "Russian intervention". It is no secret that there is a serious conflict between Trump and the "Intelligence Community."

If you look at the news reflected in the media, John McEntee will work as "hunter" and will identify "anti-Trump" names within the federal bureaucracy.

Again, according to the reports, the biggest purge will take place in November 2020, when Trump is reelected as president.

#Deep State
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