An evidence-generating newspaper!?

For the past two days, Yeni Safak has been headlining the situation to which they were subjected to.

A prosecutor from Adana had put newspaper news under the ''cyber crime'' category based on a complaint. The way he uses his authority and his demand are quite unbelievable.

In the letter he wrote to the Fight Against Cyber Crimes Branch Office, the prosecutor says ''Seize the computers of the newspaper, print out all the information, and search the house and workplace of all the journalists that were involved with this news in question''...

But why?

I''ve read the related news, which was regarded as cyber crime by the prosecutor, line by line.

The news was about a wiretapping scandal. It was written after the police officer, who was the head of the bureau in Adana, which made the illegal wiretappings, was released by the vacation-duty judge on Saturday despite his arrest warrant. It was saying that in order to provide the release, the operation had coincided with the vacation-duty judge and pointed at the parallel structure activity at Adana. It also stated that the private lives of the prosecutors, who are carrying out the investigation oriented towards the parallel structure, are being held under a microscope by the congregation in order to gather information to use as blackmail...

Today it comes to light that the person, whose nickname was only used in the news stating that this person was the vacation-duty judge, had filed a complaint to the office of the chief prosecutor.

In brief, that judge said: ''I wasn''t the vacation-duty judge. Another judge named ''....'' was on duty, this error of fact proves that this news isn''t correct. Putting all the judges, who want to and are taking part in this investigation, under pressure points out the fact that this carries the intention to break their will to make independent decisions. Do what is necessary...''

What should come next is; the complaint should be transmitted to the media prosecution office and this complaint should be evaluated via matters similar to interference to the investigation or/and jurisdiction.

However, this is not what''s been happening.

In some way, this case has been transmitted to the prosecutor who handles cases related with cyber crimes.

The problem here is the ability of the prosecutor to create a cyber crime out of this situation and give the order to search the houses and workplaces of every journalist that is involved in the creation of this news, every editor that has touched it and everyone in the editorial office....

Attempting to put an error of fact in the news, if there is any, under the category of generating illegal evidence and possibly to start an organizational crime operation towards the newspaper and journalists via this error is an incident that requires an explanation.

Whether this situation is related with the autonomy structure or not, it''s impossible for me to know. However, the jurisdiction, destroying the freedom of the press while using its authority, regarding the newspaper as a structure that creates fake evidence, taking a stand and searching journalists'' houses because of a newscast is an arbitrary attitude and a broken political attitude.

Today, one of the most important issues that the country is facing is this arbitrariness and weird politicization attitude.

Opening a cyber crime investigation to Yeni Safak Newspaper, resembles a ''being caught red-handed'' situation.

The jurisdiction of the country really needs to be pulled to the law border in every sense...


10 years ago
An evidence-generating newspaper!?
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