Evidence, the wings and the ones getting under those wings….

Previously in this column, I mentioned the wiretapping story of the ex- Deputy Undersecretary of MIT, Cevat Öneş. Öneş an erudite man, following his retirement, had penned articles and books on matters like the democratization of the intelligence agency and the resolution of the Kurdish issue. In many meetings, our paths had crossed. The well-known Kurdish Issue Workshop, which had been organized by HDK and to which many journalists and intellectuals attended, is one of them. A while after the meeting, the Bugün newspaper, which is the sharp media organ of the Gülen-led group, declared Öneş as a member of the KCK, an arm of the PKK. After some time passed, it was revealed that Öneş had been wiretapped following claims that he had been involved in KCK activities. The wiretapping of a retired MIT Deputy Undersecretary, moreover, a bureaucrat, who was a provincial directorate in Diyarbakır during the most critical years, and afterwards worked as an intelligence supervisor of MIT, with the claims of being a KCK member, was not just weird, but also, scandalous.

Afterwards, the picture started to become clearer.

For example, there was an overlap between the dates of wiretappings, which had later been revealed by Bugün Newspaper’s publication. Besides, this wasn’t the only overlap. Öneş had been wiretapped for 18 months. Interestingly, this wiretapping period had coincided with the days, when the Oslo discussions were ongoing, MIT was trying to be cornered by the Gülen-led group and the 7 February 2012 operation.

Öneş was thinking that the “wiretapping” and “publications” were related with the move for controlling MIT.

He was completely right.

The period, in which the Gülen-led group realized a swift geometrical expansion in the personnel within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was coinciding with the period of İdris Naim Şahin’s Ministry. When I used the “Carpenter Error” idiom, by looking at unbelievable political rebukes and attitudes related with this individual, the spin-doctors of the Gülen-led group pressed me from every corner and were overwhelmed enough to say that the article had been written following instructions from MIT. It seemed that Şahin was convinced with this thesis; thus, he made many statements like “my dismissal started with that article”.

This also wasn’t surprising. If Şahin wasn’t one of the ministers, which could be directed and “persuaded” easily, then would this geometrical expansion be possible?

Then, what’s Şahin’s relation with the matter above?

Let’s read some parts of the mail sent by Cevat Öneş:

““The Ex-Minister of Internal Affairs, İdris Naim Şahin, made some salient statements in the Bugün Newspaper on 19-20-21 January 2015 (…)

His statements, by exceeding the level of criticism and by targeting the AK Party rulership he resigned from, its managerial staff and policies, and especially MIT, are quite salient. Within the context of a benefit and ruling power struggle, the power gathering of an extrajudicial structure should be evaluated and regarded as a lesson (…)

İdris Naim Şahin said the following in the Bugün Newspaper dated January 20, 2015:

“During the period, when I was the Minister, the information I received from plausible sources is that a person, who retired from his Deputy Undersecretary position in MIT, had a contribution in the preparation of the KCK’s master agreement. That person, later on, attended DTK’s meetings.”

On the same day, Şahin participated in a program on Bugün TV, and by using the name Cevat Öneş, stated that the master agreement of KCK had been prepared by me.

It’s understood that İdris Naim Şahin is aware that since 07/03/2011 my communications had been wiretapped by the General Directorate of Security’s Intelligence Department for 6 times in 3 month intervals following the decision of Ankara High Criminal Court “on the grounds that the accused had operated within the Democratic Community Congress (DTK), which had been established according to the instructions of the chief of the PKK/KCK Terrorist organization”.

Nowadays, it could be easily seen that, the news written by İbrahim Güçlü about “Cevat Öneş had written KCK documents (master agreement) in newspapers like Bugün dated February 24, 2012 and Yekbesa Welat dated February 27, 2012, are pieces of a ‘conspiracy’….”

The final part of Öneş’s mail consists of the following sentences:

“I’ve participated in DTK, Peace Council and many civil society meetings. I’ve shared my thoughts in the press, and I will continue to do so. The matter is related with my entering into an individual study process, which had been revealed by my over 41 years of work experience and the development of Turkey’s communal dynamics, and based on my belief that the responsibility of contribution towards the need for Communal-Political enlightenment, for Democratic-Peaceful solutions, are inevitable…”

The situation related with Cevat Öneş is clear. He is a retired and valuable bureaucrat, who had taken risks and put effort into the democratic development.

The rest is clear:

The ones, who marketed conspiracies as journalism and violation of freedom of press, the evidence, the wings, and the ones that get under those wings….

#Cevat Öneş
#İdris Naim Şahin
9 years ago
Evidence, the wings and the ones getting under those wings….
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