Ankara Massacre: What to do?

The attack that took place in Ankara on Oct. 10, killing close to a hundred people and wounding hundreds of others is clearly a malicious act of terror.

Unlike “indiscriminate terrorism,” in literature, such acts are called “selective terrorism.”

Terrorists target a specific person or a fraction when carrying out such acts.

They aim to harm them and give a message to the state through various fractions of the society.

Who could have committed this malicious attack? It is quite difficult to recognize the players, those who are responsible behind the curtain.

It is possible that the act is the work of a chain having more than one ring.

Besides this, there are methods to follow during the analysis of the events of terror. Initially it is essential to look at who the players are. If the suicide bombers exploded, identifying these people can help us. Yet even in this situation we have to be cautious before making a final judgment.

If no one openly claims responsibility for this act, it is highly likely that a subcontractor was used.

In this situation even if a ring of the chain is reached, it does not guarantee that the other rings of the chain, too, will be reached.

Secondly, we have to look at who will benefit from this act and who will suffer.

The death of tens of people may definitely please some secretly and cause unpreventable damages to some others.

Firstly let me say: Claiming that the act of terror was carried out by the government, planned by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is completely unconvincing.

This claim is a sign of the eclipse of reason. The government can be questioned whether there was an intelligence gap, whether adequate measures were taken regarding the arrival and gathering points of the meeting.

But, holding it responsible for the explosion is against logic and reason. It is the government which will suffer the greatest moral damage after such acts.

Every government wants all to be well in the country and not to experience such events.

If the suicide bombers exploded, it is necessary to look at the history of the acts of the known organizations.

Suicide bombings have a significant role in the history of the outlawed PKK and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Thus, both of these organizations are among the suspects. The outlawed PKK could carry out such an act to get the government into trouble, to show it as hawkish and to arouse sympathy for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) right before the elections.

As for ISIS, it's motive for such acts would probably be revenge.

For ISIS, Erdoğan is a disbeliever and Turkey is in collaboration with disbelievers.

Its bombing of ISIS positions and targets with the coalition forces are evidence of this.

Also ISIS has probably wanted to take revenge from the PKK's Syrian branch, hence linked to the HDP, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which it fought in Syria.

Besides this, in this violent act of terror, it is possible that either the PKK or ISIS or certain other affiliated groups could have been used as a subcontractor by the others.

If this is the case, then, a power greater than these organizations, probably a foreign intelligence organization, is active.

Such that, these organizations can even be the organizations of the countries showing the greatest enmity toward the PKK or ISIS or seem to be not even remotely close to the events.

When we look at the international arena, we can see that such incidents that will destabilize Turkey, push it into chaos, force it to retire into its shell without taking care of its environment and this will make some countries happy.

Among these countries we can include the U.S., which wants to punish Turkey that is resisting its policies in the region, Russia, for showing a strong reaction against its operations in Syria, Germany whose imperial vision in the region contradicts and struggles with Turkey's, first and foremost Iran, which sees Turkey as the biggest obstacle in front of its ambition to be the regional power.

Of course we should add Syria to the list, too. If one of these countries were involved in this terror act, the bombing has been definitely planned in an indirect way and rather than taking a direct risk, tool(s) has/have been used.

What should be done after this malicious attack? I think nothing extraordinary should be done. The country should continue on its routine course. The state should continue ordinary intelligence and security activities more carefully and delicately.

The society should remain calm and fractions and social groups should refrain from turning this incident into a reason for enmity against each other. If this can be achieved, future similar actions could be prevented.

The dark masses who saw that the terror attacks failed to cause unbalance in the society and state, see that attempting such acts is a waste of time and resources and hence they quit. Extreme panic and fighting among the different fractions of the society, a change in the state's foreign policy because of a fear of taking action and it chooses to remain introverted, would be an invitation for such attacks.

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