
We always brag about being a community that had established 17 states. And we like mentioning that; each state is the continuation of the one before it, it carries the inheritance of the previous one and that we are part of a chain in the circle of ancient civilizations.

To be honest, these words, which sound pleasant to our ears, also place us on a meaningful place on earth, and put forth the continuity in the world scene since Adam. This also turns us into a meaningful bridging subject between the past and future…..

During those years, in which we had started using the “conservative democracy” notion for the first time and we were in need of explaining our principles and values even more, we used to underline this continuity even more. There are also people who are still sustaining this expression properly. We need to hand it to them.  There are so many people, who, in every position they had taken over, had known the value of the things being done in continuity, highlighted the activities rather than themselves, and who I can’t even start naming one by one. I’m excluding them from my comments.

Moreover, there is a contrary attitude that from time to time attracts my attention.

Any person, who takes over an office, starts his/her duty by criticizing the one before them.

They cling on to the “The previous ones couldn’t manage it, I’m here and I will do fantastic works” statement.

They have the people asking the “If the period you were also in was that bad, then why didn’t you raise your voice, why did you allow this many mistakes to happen?” question.


I’m of the opinion that this attitude had harmed many important things that had been done by AK Party, since its inception. By preserving its principles and values, AK Party is adopting such an administration model, which contains dynamism and is suitable to the usual flow of life. Duties, offices, individuals might change. However, if every person, who had recently taken over an office, is forming a “back to square one” administration model by disregarding the previous one, then it means that there is a problematic attitude. If there is no continuity, then there is no sustainability. And if there is no sustainability, then we can talk neither about scientific opinion, nor institutionalization, nor subsistence.

The “continuity” problems are also preventing us from developing a holistic view on issues. Punctuate successes cannot encircle the whole. Everyone is doing fantastic work; however, there is no fantastic whole present that becomes evident. Because, we cannot stop seeing ourselves as “detached-amazing-individuals” rather than in a team, in continuity.

If I had written this article by giving names, maybe it could have been easier for me to explain. However, here, the issue is not “that” person or “this” person; rather it is an attitude and behavior style. It is even possible to see this attitude in a manager of a smallest unit.

The Quran identifies this attitude, which is reflected in the “I’m a fantastic person” summary, as a realization problem. We are all in need of a realization mirror.

Within a humanity understanding, which extends from Kâlû Belâ until after death, from a point to a whole, REALIZATION IS A MUST!


Recently, no matter which meeting I participate in, there are many indictments about our community being one, which cannot produce science, produce texts or produce material… In short, a community which cannot “produce”… The indictment has no benefit to the point where we arrive. We should be focusing on the “what did we do wrong and where?” question. The image, which seems marvelous when we go through the figures, buildings and numbers, is coming to a halt when it comes to the human factor that will fill those three matters. Despite everyone’s vocalization of the same complaint, this doesn’t prevent mediocrity. Because, our complaints are concealing our pursuits.


I see the issue of “continuity” as one of the reasons behind this. The people who are in the film business will know the importance of the “continuity” issue. In order to establish a movie, you are required to follow-up the continuity of everything, ranging from the décor you use at the stage, to costumes and movements, only then the movie will be a totalitarian movie, and the flow of life and everything will become authentic.

Real life is also like this. There is a before and after, and all of these have an alignment. Nothing comes into existence from nothing, and also into existence by the existence. Creating life for nothingness, is a designation that is special to the creator and is the one and only. While this is the case, the constant “old-bad / new-good” emphasis is also putting forth a problematic perception from the point of integrity, even in every institutional labor exchange.


Let’s not give credence to fake religiousness

The “Pan-Islamism is gaining favor” entitled article, was one of the subjects we had prepared as a cover dossier while publishing the 1992 İzlenim (Impression) magazine. During those years, there was excessive interest in the Islamists between the academicians and magazines like Nokta (Point), and the Islamists had become a subject of prospecting. As a magazine, we had approached this information as well. As for today, we are facing a completely different condition. A fake religiousness image had started to become dominant over the community.  We need to put an end to giving credence to this career-based fake religiousness, which is clear from all its aspects that it cannot find a place from the tongue to the heart, and it helped to share tradition-verse-Mevlana words to hit the record high. The more we give credence to it, the more the “real religion” vanishes behind the curtain.

#conservative democracy
#17 states
#ancient civilizations
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