Democracies: National, Conservative, Muslim

Democracies are pluralist too. Liberal democracy, social democracy, conservative democracy and Islamic democracy. At a time when especially the relationship between Islam and democracy is going to be re-established, this pluralism is even more important. After the Ottoman Empire, Muslim communities were generally established as republic regimes. These are military republics like Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Libya. Considering Turkey is an exception, with the lifespan of military juntas being over, one by one, all of these republics are falling apart. These republics are either being strengthened through military juntas or they face major uprisings. We see this in Middle Eastern communities as well. However, clashes based on the uprising and junta dialectic do not end. Because these expired republics now need to switch to democracy. These pro-junta republics, spanning Tunisia and Yemen, are resisting despite the division and uprisings. They are offering communities division and uprising against their own existence. Yet, the price of division and uprisings is huge. Therefore, there is no other choice but to switch from military republics to democracies.

7 years ago
Democracies: National, Conservative, Muslim
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