Europe’s test with Islam

For the last two centuries, Islam has been held subject to test from head-to-toe by Europe. Europe's world system, civilization and values are dominant and Islam is made to give account against this. The modernizations in Islamic communities took place by giving account before Europe. Turkish modernization is a striking experience of this. We even tried to change our problem in the name of modernization. We have done everything in response to Europe's holding us to account. When we couldn't change our religion we even tried to change Islam! We tied our history to their history. We learned about European history better than we know Ottoman history. All our social scientists still don't know Islamic societies despite knowing the history of the West's history of classes, families, sciences, clashes, sects to their finest detail. They neither know the Karmatis, the Mu'tazila nor the Melami. They act as though Islamic communities don't exist. Because when the West held us to account, it imposed its ideologies that force us to reject our everything. Leftism, nationalism and liberalism were all offering to read the world by disregarding our social history and existence. We have sociologists, political scientists and philosophers around us who are constantly talking about Kant, Plato, Heidegger. However, none of them know Farabi, Kınalızade, Yunus Emre, Tanpınar, Rumi, Mevlana Halidi al-Baghdadi. We have become the ignored scientists and culture experts of an ignored civilization.

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