Rejecting sects and sectarianism

An Islamic summit just passed through Istanbul. The unity of Muslims, the ummah, for the first time was declared to the world from such a level. Sectarianism and racism was rejected. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defined Sunnism and Shiism as incitement. Belonging to Islam was promoted above all sects. This is an understanding of Islam above sects. At the start of the century Islamic intellectuals passionately defended this view. Moreover some went to the extent of discussing to compile them together. Because sects are the Muslim communities' greatest sociological and political fault line. People describe themselves in the scope of these relations and imitations. The longest historical understandings that give humans identity. Yet, sometimes these understandings become narrow and swallow. They become absolute and opponent politics. This is exactly what we are experiencing today. Today the meaning of 'sect' has narrowed down and they have positions that make them absolute. This attitude they have damages Islam's extensive belonging. Sects almost replace religion. Or rather Islam reduces down to sects. Muslims from other sects are accused with profaneness if they are not from the same sect as the other. An exclusionist, marginalizing and dominating approach is adopted. For example there is a group that says Islam equals the “followers of sunnah,” “followers of sunnah” are equivalent to Hanafism, Hanafism is equivalent to Naqshbandism, and Naqshbandism is equivalent to the Ismailağa group – a sufi order in Turkey.

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Rejecting sects and sectarianism
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