Israel's atrocity

There is another atrocity, which the genocide tradesmen try to make everyone forget, which they constantly cover, and where they are trying to legitimize every kind of oppression, lawlessness and terror by using their holy “Israel's security” excuse. And this atrocity belongs to Israel.

The short story (titles) of this atrocity that was started and is developing by the West's, who is led by Britain and the U.S., plan and support is as follows;

With the 1917 Balfour Declaration, the first step of establishing the Israel State was taken. Palestine was declared as a “national home” for the Jews and it was alleged that this did not threaten the existence of the local community.

In 1947, the UN divided Palestine into two. According to the communion plan, one Jewish and one Arabic state would be established and Jerusalem would be under the control of the United Nations. The retreating date of the Brits was chosen as October 1, 1948. This decision also included the return of 3,200,000 Palestinian immigrants, who were forced to migrate, back to their lands. However, this was not permitted by Israel and on the contrary the Zionist terror spread throughout Palestine and caused an additional 750,000 Palestinians to be exiled.

Only 6 months after the UN's decision, the outcome was as follows; Zionists separated Jerusalem into two and shared it with Jordan. They've invaded 77% of Palestine. 340 villages and cities were destroyed and 70% of the population was banished. That year, which destroyed the Palestinian community, was remembered under the name of “nakbah (disaster)”. The Palestinians, who were banished within one and a half years, were replaced by 648,000 Jews. Between 1948 and 1956, around 5000 Palestinians lost their lives as they attempted to return back to their lands.

In 1967, the UN decided that Israel should be retreating from the lands they invaded; however Israel did not implement the decision, and they continued and have been continuing the invasion, terror and genocide in front of the world until today.

Some pages from the atrocity:

The following has been recorded in an Israeli soldier's, who had witnessed the happenings in the capture of the Dueima village in Palestine in 1948, recollections about the slaughter (In Israel's Davar newspaper's issue dated June 9, 1979);

Around 80-100 men, women and children were killed. They've murdered children by means of hitting them in the head with sticks. At least one person in every house was killed. In the villages, the shut men and women in their houses without providing any food and water. Then, saboteurs came and exploded those houses. One commander ordered a private to shut two women in the house he wanted to explode. Meanwhile, a soldier raped an Arabic woman before killing her… The commanders, who were mentioned as “Great men”, who were brought up well and had good educations, turned into petty murderers. Besides, it wasn't like they necessarily fell into this position within these horrible incidents. On the contrary, they were using the genocide and obliteration methods willingly. According to them; the less Arabs in this world, the better it is…

This incident is an ordinary example. Another “ordinary example” is the slaughter attempted by the Israelis against the Arab community in the Deir Yassin village in 1948; the year Israel state was established. During the raid on the Deir Yassin village near Jerusalem, the Irgun and Stern terrorists, administered by Menahem Begin, first had the 280 Arab villagers, including pregnant women and children, walk around the streets and then executed them by firing squads… Most of the young girls were raped before their deaths and the genitals of the men were ripped apart.

In this way, around 400,000 Arabs were forced to abandon their lands during the countless raids on Arab villages within six months. The Deir Yassin Slaughter was only one of those raids. According to Israel Shakak's, who is one of the few “antagonist” voices in Israel, fixation, the number of villages emptied by the Israeli's through means of terror is; 385.

In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon, forced Palestinian leaders to run away to Tunisia and killed more than 20,000 people in the country. Meanwhile, they had the innocent Palestinian women, children and elders in the Sabra and Shatila camps executed.

Let us now listen to Roger Garaudy's outbreak and calling:

“You, the officials of Israel, are always discrediting Hitler, bringing forth an exaggerated number like six million and constantly talking about genocide! You are disregarding the Gypsies who were killed more than you, and the Slavs whose deaths are almost five times more than yours, and many others. With your novels, movies, stories, books, TV shows and museums, you are brainwashing everyone by acting like there are no other nations that experienced genocide. You are constantly playing for sympathy. You are taking compensation. However, for more than fifty years, you are doing worse things towards Palestinians, more than Hitler did to you! Stop this oppression! Stop your invasions in Palestine! Stop the slaughters!”

#Israel's atrocity
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