Both a great war and great betrayal

We faced a terrorist attack conducted by imperialists who wanted to destroy us 100 years ago and who have not given up their desire since then. The attack came on the day when the constitutional amendment, which will pave the way for a fully independent and great Turkey, was introduced to Parliament. Indeed, the day when the terrorist attack occurred in Istanbul is very important. The repulse of the July 15 invasion attempt greatly irritated some people. It was predicted that they would go to all lengths of villainy to take revenge on this nation. The messages conveyed by the U.S. and Europe were the clearest signs of it. It was obvious that the West, which embraced all terrorists, was in preparation for a major attack on Turkey. That attack took place on the same day the constitutional draft was presented to Parliament.

7 years ago
Both a great war and great betrayal
Turkiye's path to global leadership in high-tech exports
Normalization of Israel-Saudi ties under US sponsorship
The 'tragedy' of US policy vis-a-vis Israel
Achieving energy independence...
Once again, the US didn't surprise anyone!