3rd Iraq War and Sending ISIL to Hell!

In my previous article, I had said; ''Don''t request soldiers from Turkey. Use the soldiers belonging to the Baghdad administration and the military units of the Northern Iraq administration as a land force. However, even if you do this, the land operation via those units might not be successful.''

They are really doing it. They will be using the military elements of the Kurdish administration and Baghdad administration''s soldiers, who had left their tanks and cannons against ISIL, as the land force. Besides, they will be gathering all the organization in Syria and Iraq under one roof. At least there are indications of such a preparation.

They are fixed on one point. They didn''t even feel the need for calculating; what kind of problems will this coalition cause, what kind of a wreck this operation will leave behind, how many more organizations will this operation create and this will cause endless conflicts in the Iraq – Syria line.

The 3rd Iraq War

No matter what anyone says, this is the ''Third Iraq War'' after the Gulf War in 1991 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. A heroic story has been written for every USA President. It seems like such a scenario had been written for Barrack Obama. He also will be a war hero and the tradition won''t be changed.

No war in the Middle East had managed to create a solution; on the contrary, the war had increased the problems by multiplying by ten. The project of forming a global coalition against an organization is a scandal in itself. Gathering great countries and lining them up for the energy rivalries oriented at the Iraq – Syria line, is shameful for the countries that had joined the coalition. Besides, they are calling this the ''war against terror''. When a person hears this, he/she wants to curl up and die.

We had witnessed what had appeared under the mobilization of war against terror on a global scale after September 11. We had seen how the ones lecturing about war against terror and ethics had exported terror methods to the world and marketed this as a new international reality, and how the majority of us had believed these lies. Torture and crimes against humanity had been fed to us under the name of war against terror.

The cruelty of the Iraq invasion in 2003 is not only the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, rather it is the normalization of the most immoral methods for humanity. This immorality had only left terror and chaos behind it. The USA had produced the environmental conditions that gave birth to ISIL. They shouldn''t present new lies and excuses to us and the people living in this geography. The USA and the coalition had no credibility in this region, and it had been officially registered that they are not carrying any ethical value.

Hell is waiting for Iraq, not ISIL

When you try to solve the problems, which can be solved with simple diplomatic methods and agile maneuvers, with an Anglo-American conservative behavior disorder, you will only leave a wreck and disaster. For the past fifty years, this reality had not changed. In the name of writing heroic stories for the USA Presidents, nations had been slaughtered and countries were turned into ruins.

Obama''s ''Sending ISIL to Hell'' strategy is not so different from this. Maybe ISIL will not go to Hell, but a hellish future is awaiting Iraq. Iraq''s and Syria''s faiths had now been merged and the region, which extends from Iran''s borders to the Mediterranean coast, will not be finding peace for a long time as things stand.

In the 3rd Iraq War, ten Arab countries are supporting the coalition, which is formed under the USA''s leadership. Theses, opinions on this support cannot be created and we can''t reach anywhere with this support. No one can claim that this is these countries'' own choices and initiatives. They will only be given a role and they play it. We had never witnessed them questioning the USA''s plans oriented at the region until now.

Though, it''s remarkable to see Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel gathering in the same grounds. In appearance, this can be accepted as a war against terror and a virtuous behavior. But it is not so in my opinion. Iran''s and Israel''s private agenda is seriously coinciding. If we add the fact that Saudi Arabia is being mobilized with instructions, we would be solving the mystery of this partnership.

ISIL had inflicted the biggest harm to Turkey. Our consulate was raided and our citizens were kidnapped. If something happens to one of those citizens, it will stir Turkey up. Then, we need to act rationally. A military operation will put the hostages in danger. The US army had conducted operations to rescue their own hostages from ISIL for the past year. The result? The organization had killed an American journalist.

No country had managed to be as consistent and determined in the matter of war against terror, like Turkey. While many countries said, ''My terrorist, your terrorist'', Turkey had always been principled in this matter. Thus, judging Turkey''s attitude in this military intervention from this scope will be insensible. Turkey''s determination in this matter will also continue against the terror organizations in Iraq. This cooperation will always be done. But the ones, who had established a government in Iraq via terror organizations and death squads, have no right to judge Turkey''s attitude.

Radical solutions for the Iraq issue is a priority for Turkey. Also in this matter, they have no cooperation project or advice. More precisely, an international will oriented at the solution of Iraq''s and Syria''s problems, is beside the point. The West is twofaced in this matter and showing double standards.

ISIL is an energy map!

ISIL is not just a Sunni issue. ISIL is an energy war. We shouldn''t overlook the fact that the organization had been following an energy map since day one. They had been directed at the oil regions and pipeline routes of Iraq and Syria, and trying to take the energy pools in Sunni regions under control. Besides, it had already been mentioned that ISIL might be gravitating towards Saudi Arabia''s oil regions. Then, the question ''where did this organization get such power?'' should be questioned via corporations as much as states. My worry is over the endless conflicts this operation might cause in Iraq and Syria. Using the Kurds and Shiites in the front line will be causing serious denominational crises and conflicts. Ethnic and sect-based conflicts will be carried out to no extent. This will be giving birth to deep gaps and hostilities between Sunni Arabs, Shiites Arabs and Kurds. The already existing identity based confrontation, will become ungovernable.

ISIL is only a format. Following the attacks, a new organization will show up with new formats. In other words, our fears are our hostages and new organizations and new conflicts. The ''Writing a heroic story for Obama'' and ''Sending ISIL to Hell'' project is amounting to extensive conflicts. It amounts to Iraq''s, Syria''s, Jordan''s, Lebanon''s and even Saudi Arabia''s involvement in these conflicts or the increase or terrorist attacks in these regions.

Don''t forget that there are no solution projects related with tomorrow in the hands of the ones who want to play this war game. They only have destruction in their hands.

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