Others were also going to be killed after Khashoggi What was the Turkey leg of the Salman-Zayed project? What will Erdoğan say today? Even Trump can no longer save Prince Salman.

Regardless of what anybody says, the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was committed upon the direct instruction from Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The murder squad sent to Turkey consists entirely of his close crew. The "blackout" operation related to the murder is also being carried out directly by him.

Regardless of what anybody says, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egyptian and Israeli intelligence worked together in this murder or operation. The incident was carried out with the knowledge of the U.S. intelligence and, as a matter of fact, with their involvement. A crime similar to those that were previously committed in many other countries of the region was committed in Turkey this time. However, Turkey caught them red-handed.

Others were going to be killed too. These are the men who sold out Jerusalem, Mecca-Medina

Regardless of what anybody says, the murder was committed within the scope of the new project that is being implemented in the entire region through Salman, UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. The murder is only one of the operations within the scope of the project. It is just one of the operations targeting the Saudi opposition, as well as those opposing this project throughout the region.

Had the Khashoggi murder not blown up in their faces, a lot more people were going to be eliminated in this way. As a matter of fact, these people were not limited to Saudi citizens alone. They have a list.

The U.S.-Israel line, the first "visible" operation of this project, which is being implemented for the sake of strengthening regional control, is the process concerning the use of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The project was heavily dented when Turkey caused a global stir. In addition to Jerusalem, preparations were made for Mecca and Medina through the axis of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel and U.S.

Fight Iran, disable Turkey: this is the plan

The project aimed at transforming Saudi Arabia and the region, taking it out of the conservative/traditional axis and making it suitable for the U.S.-Israel mentality, is actually a plan aimed at booby-trapping the whole region, building a new tutelage through Salman and Zayed, getting the Arab bloc to fight Iran, tying Turkey's hands and arms during this war, and to oust President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his circle to achieve this - it has been implemented and is continuing to be done so.

Those outdated "moderate Islam" reforms were to get the Western public to buy the project and create a regional wave of excitement. It was aimed at arousing sympathy. It was a make-up, a cover for evil plans. Salman was going to be heroized, presented to the Arab world as a "leader", and the U.S./Israel partnership was then going to apply all the geopolitical plans it wanted. Nobody was going to be able to object to these projects because of the "great leader's charisma."

Erdoğan and Turkey were ruling the Arab streets, this is what they actually feared

The Salman and Zayed project is not like the Khashoggi murder. It is much deeper and more long-term. What's even more terrifying than the murder is that all the maps between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea will change, and the existence of a major plan that will drag all administrations into the "axis," cause civils wars to achieve this if necessary, and pave the way for invasions if necessary. Iran is not the country at the top of this plan's "enemy" list, but Turkey.

Because Erdoğan and Turkey have an extraordinary impact on Arab streets, directing them and forming a common language and mind. They were building a new wave, a historical gale. The attacks from the West to "stop Turkey" for the last decade were going to be made from the region's newly-established front this time. This is what they feared and wanted to prevent. Hence, they gave the upmost support to the terror corridor in northern Syria. They were going to build a wall between Turkey and the Arab world. This is why they bred Daesh and provided extraordinary support to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

So what was on the Turkey leg of this big plan?

Thus, they invented in the formation of a new opposition/intervention in Turkey after the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. Do you think a plan of this magnitude has no Turkey leg? Do you think those who planned this would ever forget the Turkey leg? Nowadays, nobody is really aware of this formation, but very soon, this covert operation will also surface and lead to severe debates.

The Salman and Zayed project is the most effective anti-Turkey plan post-World War I. They were building the British front of a century ago as the U.S.-Israeli front all over again today. The Salman and Zayed are a project for a regional war, the invasion of the entire region and to drag it into endless clashes. The Jamal Khashoggi murder is a very serious incident because it revealed this project.

What kind of a statement will Erdoğan make today?

President Erdoğan is going to make his clearest statement today on the Khashoggi case. He is going to clearly reveal Turkey's position. Surely, Erdoğan's words will not only include criminal matters regarding the Khashoggi murder. It will also contain signs regarding the big plan. Because Turkey is aware of what the Salman and Zayed project is, why the murder was committed and upon whose orders it was carried out.

Now, Saudi Arabia is trying to alleviate the situation and save Salman through conflicting, unconvincing statements. But Riyadh must make a decision: it will either save Salman or the country. It will either give him or the country's integrity up. If it protects Salman, it will soon see that the trap was really set up against itself. It will understand that this is a plan based on the destruction of this country.

I have been writing about this threat for a year and a half: Turkey must end the Salman-Zayed project

I believe that Turkey has information that will pull the plug on Salman. Regardless of the statement made by Riyadh, the information can destroy Zayed and the project in question. It is extremely significant that Turkey has this information not to use as a "card up its sleeve," but to prevent the new invasion project targeting entire region, including Saudi Arabia.

I have been discussing the anti-Turkey plan being carried out through Salman and Zayed for a year and a half now. Even though my opinion regarding the Turkey leg of this project has already been formed, I always chose to explain things through Salman and Zayed. Now, everybody has seen what happened with the Khashoggi murder. It has become everybody's responsibility to think about the next step.

The circle is tightening: Even Trump can no longer

Regardless of how much Riyadh strives, it cannot get out of this unless it gives up on Salman. We are seeing how a murder is destroying a new equilibrium trying to be established in a region. The circle is tightening and everything is leading to Salman. As for the U.S. and Israel, regardless of how good of a choice he is, a man who has been so uncovered will not be a good crown prince. Because massive plans cannot be applied through "fallen" men. This murder is going to hit Salman, reach Zayed and reset the new Middle East plan.

I am waiting curiously for the statement that Erdoğan will make today. Because the statement is very important for our country in terms of enlightening the murder, clearly putting forth a humane stance, and staving off interventions in Turkey planned through Salman and Zayed.

Even Trump can no longer save Salman…

#Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
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