Tailored terror and the German impact

What has been happening for the few last days in Okmeydani is simply due to the fact that it is a ''tailored'' terror. These events are a part of the problem that builds up a plan against the national security in Turkey. After the resolution process found the public support, a substitution project has been led to fill the gap of PKK. Thus, we are dealing with a tender of terror.

The more social aspect of the issue can be put like this: In place of the Kurdish question, an Alevi question is wanted to be implanted. This is a matter of a serious interference to Turkey''s peace and stability which means publically more widespread and more scattered conflicts are planned to stir.

Since the incidents at Gezi, this project has been led step by step. The partial opposition at Gezi has been dispelled by the fact that the organization, which had bought the tender took up a more central role. It is so to the extent that the traditional opposition, which targets the political objective was replaced with the new wave of opposition block DHKP-C and this situation made certain platforms break off within the opposition pact. Thus, the opposition became marginalized, sharpened and was rendered a paramilitary organization which would engage military actions in Turkey.

The fact that DHKP-C could have been centralized to such an extent, found address in the public sphere, its feedback and that it can engage widespread actions in the country and that once it was only abusing the Alevi sensitivity and now trying to fill all the opposition field in Turkey is not just a coincidence. It is not just about the organization''s own strategy, either.

Of course, the clash for power and confrontations played an important role on this. The network of such relationships, their political and capital bonds must be comprehensively questioned.

However the so-called organization''s structure, position and its relationships and considering the kind of circles it acts like a spokesman and especially the intelligence in Europe, it is so easy to say that we are encountering a new project led in Turkey.

PKK was the output of an ethnic conflict. Essentially speaking, it stemmed from an internal problem in Turkey. However, that the civil war lasted for 30 years and the congestion of all the resolution channels has nothing to do with the internal political character of Turkey. Thus, DHKP-C, like any other organization, was feeding on Turkey and the region''s geopolitical fight. This was a win-win situation. Today, the prominent success of the resolution process stems from the fact that Turkey has toughened and finds solutions to its own problems. It is possible to say that the Kurdish card, PKK card has lost due to the increased strength of the domestic, regional perspective.

Now we should focus on those who want to replace this card with the Alevi card. This is what I am willing to emphasize. There was DHKP-C before, too. They also applied similar terrorist activities and street demonstrations. However, it would be a great misfortune to say that we have to wait for a 30 year more to confirm that the nature of the issue has changed since last year and that an imminent threat is waiting at the door.

Unlike in the case of the PKK, European circles are coming forefront on this issue. Especially, Germany''s position takes our attention because of its intimate relationship with these structures. We know how certain foundations in Germany and Austria feed and protect them. The organic link between this organization and these foundations is clear.

Therefore, Germany is responsible to answer certain questions about what has been happening in Turkey for a year. Germany is causing a serious security problem in Turkey, since it builds relations with those circles within itself and drawing blood to the Alevi-Sunni separation.

While Germany is making a plan through such organizations, they are attempting to confront Turkey through the German political influence and power.

If this is how things are, then we have so many questions to pose to Germany that we will never receive any replies.

For example, among these are: Why was the investigation on the incendiary action for about 100 houses closed or why was there no camera record during the action, why was no one fairly judged and why were bystanders lost or found dead? There are tens of questions like these, but we are sure they will not have an answer for any of them.

It must be taken into account that the existence of such intelligence organizations located in Germany and Turkey would turn Germany into a hated country and that it would split asunder the historically strong rooted and deep coalition and the friendship between Turkey and Germany.

What we have been watching for the last few days at Soma has nothing to do with the pain in Soma. It is simply an indicator of the above mentioned ''substitution project''.

It cannot miss anyone''s attention that such events started only prior to the Prime Minister''s visit to Germany. As if the message that Erdogan would give to a mass audience in Germany were being replied from Turkey. The initial resistance to Erdogan''s probable candidacy for presidency is organized in Germany for the time being.

Germans while making Turkey as an ''internal question'' may find themselves in a situation where they are playing with the fire, because it is clear that the agent of setting tens of houses on fire and sending funerals to Turkey is identically the same with the architects of this ''substitution project''.

Let me put an endnote here: I have questioned Dogan Group and Media and in particular the daily Hürriyet''s relations with Germany on my article on May 19. Confer the article in that you will feel how an image/perception project is finely led. Let alone showing anything negative against terror that the newspaper is about to make heroes of them!

10 years ago
Tailored terror and the German impact
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