“The Islamic civil war”

I know how dangerous this concept is and how destructive and abrasive it is to use this expression. I am aware that  spreading this concept may format our minds, making us become accustomed to the terrifying scenario of today.

However, there is a great storm and danger approaching and after a certain period of time we will eventually see this concept frequently being used in Western media outlets, reports published by think-tanks and political rhetoric.

The domestic problems of the Muslim world, its shortcomings, deficiencies and its tutelage-based political mindset are of course the primary reasons behind the current disintegration and civil wars in the region. The region is going through a deep trauma due to terrible blindness, shallow mindedness and a series of betrayals.

Countries are pushed into civil war, while scenarios of disintegration and conflict based on all identities are being sold. Each regime and administration is concerned about its own future, clinging to each offer promising destruction, and carries out such projects to survive.

The call to recognize the danger

Currently, we must not think of the region as separate countries including Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Northern Africa or Southern Asia. No longer are the implemented scenarios limited to countries, but they rather go beyond the countries and are regional projects. The fate of each country is at the discretion of another, and the fate of each society is at the mercy of their neighbors. Therefore, what our neighbors go through is our destiny in reality. Arms directed towards our neighbors are directed at us. Their civil war is our civil war.

In my latest pieces, I especially try to draw attention to the danger approaching us, regardless of the fact that there are many issues to be written/discussed prior to the general elections, especially when Turkey’s domestic politics are active and there is a deep ongoing settlement.

Twenty years ago, discussions about regional chaos theories were considered as rambling, imaginary scenarios. Look carefully, twenty years have passed and the chaos scenario have succeeded throughout the region from Libya to the Iranian borders. That rambling was real and settled itself. Ostensibly,each crisis had unique reasons and individuals responsible for it, and an international power directed toward them stepped in every time. But, when you put everything together, you will realize that all of them were a single scenario in reality and that they are part of a project which will be spread in the 21st century. 

Micro states and city wars

This project, carried out in a silent and deep manner will disintegrate many other countries, destabilize and push them into civil wars. Perhaps, after a while, we will start seeing wars between cities and micro states. As we are trying to find an escape beyond the nation-state, we face a humongous wave which will divide nation-states into smaller pieces. Unfortunately, it is succeeding. Don’t you see it? The only countries standing up in the region are Turkey and Iran. Both have development efforts directed towards the region and perhaps the last bomb will explode between these two countries.

Steer for the future by not looking at today, but looking at the pictures of today. Try to comprehend what type of a region will be shaped after a year, after five years and after a decade. I am not writing a disaster scenario here. We are already going through that disaster and scenario, and I am calling upon the discussion of the existing situation.

They stole our 20th century through the regimes, tyrants, and monarchies they constructed in the region. And now they are trying to steal another century through the same regimes. As much as the fools of the region are responsible for the situation, the countries who taking advantage of the chaos and trying to control countries and cities invest in chaos and assist in the regionalization of the crisis.

I would like to draw attention to Iran’s opportunism. The administration in Tehran divides the region into two sharp camps through seeking power over the exploitation of sectarian identities, and the map that they have drawn, becoming the leader for the greatest degradation project of history.

The conflict directed from “bloody borders” towards the countries' hearts

Remember, during the Cold War period, the most famous discourse was “Islam’s bloody borders.” They drew the outer borders of the region in such a way that they left areas for countless numbers of ethnic conflict. The map that they had drawn resulted in bloody conflicts, which lasted for decades. Back then, the identity of the conflict was ethnic. Countries and nations had been disintegrated and borders were meaningless in many places. We have been through horrible wars based on these borders. 

They changed this notion for the 21st century. Conflict would be directed towards “the heart of Islam” and Islam would fight within itself. When they first voiced this, we saw it as an imaginary scenario. An era of enlightenment and consciousness had started back then and we had hopes. We thought “they cannot achieve this”, but they did. Conflict moved beyond the bloody borders, right into the interior of countries. This time, the identity of the conflict was a sect. 

No longer would there be occupations, nor would foreign armies enter the countries. There was no need for that anyways. Occupations took place through the power blocks established in those countries, pushing them to chaos. On top of that, it was done without spending any money or efforts, without taking risks. 

New conflict areas: Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia

What Iraq is going through is a civil war. It's the same in Syria and Libya. Yemen now emerged as a new front. Again, they are dividing the country into two pieces based on sectarian identity. We are also going through power struggles in Iraq and Syria, determined by sectarian identity. The countries of the Persian Gulf may turn into Syria after a year. Saudi Arabia may turn into Iraq in a year or two. Don’t say no, we have been through so many things in the past twenty years that never crossed our minds.

An antidote is necessary. A country which will say new things, and change the direction of the wind, bring the region to its senses and at least express its voice against this deep tearing. Turkey is the only country which has the power of eloquence in the region. Saudi Arabia does not have such perception, Egypt does not have such power and Iran is implementing its own occupation scenario anyways and does not have a political agenda beyond sectarian identities.

They know that Turkey has the power to voice concern about this issue. They are aware that Turkey has the political accumulation and historical perspective to support this rhetoric. This is precisely why they are hitting Turkey, the only country standing up that has the ability to make an appeal to the region as a whole. In the case that Turkey does not stumble, there is a possibility that the regional project may breakdown. This is why continuous attacks will come, and they will try to push Turkey externally and from the interior. Even if they fail to break it down, they will try their very best to stop Turkey, and bring it into a position that makes it unable to worry about what's happening beyond its borders.


The actual war is conducted over Turkey

In that case, it means that the actual war is happening over Turkey. Think about why there is such a great domestic struggle, especially in the past few years, and why there is an attempt to invalidate Turkey’s great pace with the resistance built inside. If they stop Turkey, there will be no obstacles in the region for them. This is why the New Turkey vision poses a great challenge for them. 

Let’s remind them: the great boom took place in this country following two great shock waves, such as the Crusades and the Mongolian invasion. World War I is the third great shock wave. Today, Turkey is the only country that is challenging. The geographical region as a whole has surrendered to the chaos project, except for Turkey. 

Turkey has the potential to protect the heart of Islam and help the region stand up and at least develop rhetoric of historical stance . Turkey is the only antidote to the “Islam will fight within itself” thesis. 

This is exactly why Turkey has to win. This is exactly why those forming an opposition against this great walk have not only done it to Turkey, but have initiated a war against the Muslim world. This is precisely why the treason is so big!

#islamic civil war
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