The nation’s men, the organization’s men

The battle being waged by the community against the state has taken on a completely different dimension, influenced by the personal ambitions of power held by some hungry wolves.

(The community and parallel organization are terms used to refer to the Fethullah Gülen-led movement.)

A picture is being presented to create the image that no such showdown and event took place; as if an organized structure did not attempt to take over the state by resorting to all possible means, as if war was not declared against all legitimate mechanisms, as if those representing those mechanisms were not the target of serious and vile aggressive campaigns, as if attempts were not made to purge those within those mechanisms, and as if no plans were made and implemented to destroy those representing such mechanisms.

An emotional atmosphere has been whipped up where, instead of all this, an image is created that shows the state pressuring and persecuting a small and innocent segment. A picture has been painted to depict a situation where the Husseins have embarked on a quest for justice and freedom against the persecutors and Yazids.

Whereas those who paint such a picture, not too long ago, just a year ago in fact, had unsheathed their swords and started a war, where they wanted to raid the residence of the country’s prime minister, handcuff him and his children, and imprison the entire cabinet and its supporters.

They were so certain of the outcome that a new cabinet was being formed and preparations were underway for appointments they would make. The organization’s men would rule the country instead of the nation’s men. Turkey had been forced to choose between the nation’s men and the organization’s men.


Legitimate mechanisms and lists containing names chosen to represent the people were being disregarded and called criminal; dossiers prepared beforehand about these people were coming to light and their futures were being decided upon.

The coup was almost complete, and along with their foreign partners, they were acting with great self confidence and carrying out extrajudicial acts against everybody. They used their sharpshooters in the media to rain down a hail of bullets on anyone who raised their voice in the slightest.

Take a look now -- a year after the creation of that atmosphere -- at the language, arguments and campaigns of those who rained down bullets. The same people who carried out extrajudicial acts yesterday now rave about being persecuted. They behave as if they were totally innocent and only loyally served the country and nation, and as if none of this happened and none of it was their doing…

They act as if they didn’t place wiretaps on anyone, as if they didn’t track the movements of anyone, as if they didn’t fancifully invent links between any one and (illegal) organizations, and as if they didn’t fabricate criminal charges in order to imprison anyone.

Turkey made a choice between the men chosen by the nation and authorized to represent it, and an organization’s men. It made the right choice. It stood up for the country and state. It saw the plot and ensured that the coup attempt failed. It declared as a threat those who initiated action to round up the government at police headquarters.

Two elections have been held since this event and the nation once again made the right and legitimate choice, despite all the plotting. The right message was sent out during the local elections. During the presidential elections the person who tried to destroy the parallel organization was elected president.

Normally a person would stop and take a look at themselves! One would ask, what have we done, where did we go wrong, why did Turkish society reach such a decision in response to all these attempts.

Never… They have never asked such questions and never will. It is still all lies, intrigue, threats and blackmail… There are no honest people apart from them, no Muslims apart from them, and everyone apart from them is a traitor. What kind of logic and mindset is this?


While they accuse everyone of being pro Iranian, they even fail to see that their method of thought and their way of perceiving things overlaps with that of the Shia/Iranian method of thought to the letter. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t find anything discomforting in this. I just want to highlight how skewed it is.

It is not very wise to constantly level accusations at others when their ties to the Israeli extreme right and their ties to whomever it might be in the United States is out in the open, and while they are in cahoots with all the anti-Turkey lobbies these days.

This fight is not between the state and the community’s base; it is between the power elites trying to shape the community and the state. The issue is about the creation of the schematics of state administration in every sphere such as the media, business world, military, police and civilian bureaucracy; and then the initiation of action when the time is deemed right.

When one writes all this and questions their external links or partnerships, then, in their eyes, one is no longer a Muslim, no longer from Turkey, and no longer a human being. We are talking about a type of split personality here. These pioneering cadres have a character problem of simultaneously being the most savage and the most innocent persons.


They initiate action by exploiting the public’s Islamic sensibilities and use curses and jinns, media scenarios, police setups, military operations, and blackmail by resorting to intelligence material, to destroy the people and circles they target.

They are still trying to destroy. The threats start as soon as you write an article questioning the motives of these people. I cannot ever remember a time when I was subjected to so many underhanded attacks, accusations, threats and verbal abuse.

What was all that supposed to result in. Should we, too, have joined in the coup attempt? Should we, too, have moved in concert with them to topple the government, handcuff the prime minister and deal with his team and his supporters? Should we have also become the spokespersons for the discourse of just any foreign-based centers?

Even before we said anything, you placed wiretaps on us for years, fabricated stories about our membership in (illegal) organizations, and prepared dossiers about us concerning the time we would spend incarcerated. Even if you hadn’t done all these things, we would still stand with the nation i.e. we would support legitimate mechanisms. Those who tried to become the state yesterday are now accusing us of being statists.

For the love of God, even if it is just once, ask yourself some questions. Leave aside the psychology of seeing everyone apart from yourselves as evil, traitors and guilty.

But you are not capable of that and will not do it. I can say that you are incapable of doing this after seeing where you find yourselves after a year and the language you resort to. Remember that as long as you continue to attack and issue threats in the same vein, you will become even more isolated and alienated.

After a year you want to pretend as if nothing happened. But do you think that the dozens of people you hurt will forget all this. Do you think you won’t be held to account for so many machinations, operations and coup attempts?

Do you think this nation will forget everything and act like nothing happened? … 

#parallel state organization
#Gülen-led community
#nation's men
#organization's men
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