We are fighting countries, not the PKK and YPG

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's words, “The Syrian issue should be perceived as an international problem rather than a war supported by the sides of various countries," was actually the strongest statement determining the threat of the war of states in Syria. No other country took the matter in hand at this level or determined such a clear stance, expressed such concern for Syria.

Turkey, host to over 2 million Syrians, is directing these words to the West, which started to panic with a few thousand people pushing at their borders. For weeks now, we have been discussing Germany and the EU countries' refugee panic.

They are afraid of them, afraid of accepting them into their country. They are afraid their skin color might become darker. They are building walls and wire fences at their borders; a ruthless attitude toward the suffering of those who are fleeing a war in which they too are directly involved. Apparently Europe is valuable; hence they don't care about problems of humanity. We are watching all together as countries, that have declared a few thousand refugees a security threat, turn our region into ruins.

Those terrorist organizations being armed against Turkey

Yes, there is truly a war of states in Syria including Russia, the U.S., France, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Turkey, which is carrying the burden. Is it possible for those who are not sharing any burden even regarding the refugees alone to develop a solution that will end the war in Syria, ensure the country's transformation and to set it on sound ground?

We are talking about a country where Germany is arming the PKK and the People's Protection Units (YPG), where the U.S. is applying the northern Iraq model in northern Syria, where another European country introduced the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), where Iran is fighting alongside the Damascus regime with its entire military force and where Turkey is facing a crisis that has turned its borders into a fireball.

For the last few days, we have been watching the Syria theater play between the U.S. and Russia. They are discussing a seven year transition period, a 2+2 transition period, a model where Bashar al-Assad remains for the time being, et cetera. While Russia and Iran try to keep Assad standing and European countries are following a Syria policy which even they can't understand, the U.S. is fighting for a Syria free of its Islamic identity. Hence, it is paving the way for formulas that will keep Assad standing and doing business with the PKK's Syria extension, the YPG.

They are impeding the Resolution; they have other plans

They conducted a similar move in Iraq. For years they invested and waited for the conditions to mature. They chose not to oust Saddam Hussein right away; they kept him in Bagdad and once regional conditions matured, in other words, once it became suitable to carry out their map works, they re-intervened in Iraq and ousted Saddam. Now they are playing the same scenario in Syria. They are the greatest obstacle hindering the resolution. They are preventing the Syria issue from ending. They are waiting for the conditions to mature for another project.

Take note, when the time comes, if he is still standing, they are personally going to take down Assad themselves. But they are going to determine the timing. When they do this, we are going to witness an extremely dire situation in the region. We are going to be faced with unpleasant surprises. They are going to prevent the resolution of Turkey and the region, condemning us to their own regional plans. That is when the fire will have surrounded the entire region. That is what they are waiting for; this is what “the maturing of the situation" means for us.

They are pushing the war into our country

Turkey, among all searches made for a solution, should be and is at the center of the search.. However, aside from this, Turkey should draw two different road maps prioritizing itself and the region alone. It should know that the war is going to be pushed into Turkey after Iraq and Syria. We are already seeing examples of this.

We are always considering the PKK and YPG's latest attacks with the dynamics in Turkey. Whereas, these are the new phases of regional projects concerning the outside. The elections were going to be affected, the public opinion manipulated, internal affairs designed and the Syrian war was going to be pushed into Turkey through the PKK. This is why the latest rush of attacks is the Turkey leg of the comprehensive destabilization project taking the entire region hostage.

We need to act with the future in mind. We need to be able to predict what will happen to Syria, and in five or 10 years, what will happen in Turkey's southern border, how the drafts of the map for the region will shape. I see this process as a part of the disintegration process that has been ongoing since 2003, and we were served every stage of this project with a different reason and under a different guise.

Syria to be free of Islam and attack Turkey

You can crack the code of the latest project through the north Syrian corridor. If you watch carefully the rapid intervention process being carried out through the YPG targeting the Northern Iraq-Mediterranean Corridor, you will realize that the PKK and YPG are one and the same, that both terrorist organizations are supported by Western countries, while being openly armed and positioned in these regions.

If Turkey's terrorists are allies of the U.S. and Europe, if they are fed and grown through the “they are not Islamist, they aren't threats, they are secular" rhetoric, if they are being directed to have a showdown with Turkey with this power, it shouldn't be so difficult to understand who will be the next target.

Turkey was a little delayed in intervening in the north Syrian corridor. For now, they seem to have postponed this project. You will see, very soon, they will try and push that corridor to reach the Mediterranean with a sort of fait accompli or via another extraordinary situation.

This is more than a PKK-YPG war

So what will happen next? They will have built up their own walls all throughout Turkey's south. Regardless of the tutelage you resist on the inside, there will be another tutelage established beyond your borders. That entire corridor will turn into a frontline. Those who are already ordering, “It is time, open the Turkey front," will then openly start the war.

Hence, the war the PKK-YPG started against Turkey today needs to be defined as a multinational intervention. Turkey is not fighting the PKK but those who are drawing the map of the future. The Syria issue is not merely a refugee issue. We gave the necessary lesson to humanity in this regard. However, a counterattack is necessary against the rapid regionalization of the Syrian war that is being pushed through terrorist organizations.

The closest threat, the most urgent issue

We need to urgently focus on a solution to stop the war that has already taken our southern borders hostage and spread to certain parts of our country. A solution between the U.S. and Russia may not eliminate Turkey security concerns. In fact, it may lead to further security issues.

The solution of those who are pushing the war into our cities may give us no peace. A Syrian initiative based on great power, a very powerful discourse, and a strong stance is crucial. No force should be allowed to leave Turkey off the table. The tactics in New York may work, but the Syrian issue is a geopolitical issue that will shape the maps of the future.

This is the greatest threat for Turkey, the most urgent issue of all.

#İbrahim Karagül
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