We failed to topple Erdoğan but we will topple Putin!

It is odd that the United States and Europe resort to the propaganda methods and discourse of extreme right groups when it comes to their intervention in the Middle East. They resorted to the spirit of the “crusades,” and furor reserved for racist groups, when occupying Iraq, Afghanistan, and while they were torturing people in Abu Ghraib.

This undertone of racism was always beneath their discourse on democracy and freedom. The neoconservatives and Israel fanned the flames of racism in both America and Europe by resorting to the extreme right. They directed this racist rage and desire for holy way toward predetermined geographical regions and countries.

Racism emerged as the underlying propaganda of all the wars they instigated in the name of democracy and freedom. They had discovered a new source of power and didn’t hesitate to use this newfound power to satisfy their imperial desires.


The Velvet Revolution operations they carried out in both Georgia and Ukraine were organized on the basis of the extreme right and intelligence agencies. They were supposedly spearheading the public desire for freedom in its fight against authoritarian administrations, but for some reason their partners in Ukraine were comprised of extreme right groups.

While the U.S. administration was busy establishing partnerships with extreme right groups in Ukraine, Germany and other core European countries in general, were using their intelligence agencies to organize and nourish extreme right groups; provoking them to confront foreigners domestically and mobilizing them to serve German interests externally.

Last week, 15,000 people marched in Dresden against the growing “Islamic threat.” Almost 34 percent of the German public views Islam as a threat. I don’t think this ratio is a result of the “Islam-terrorism” propaganda that arises due to the conflicts in the Middle East. It is the German deep state and German intelligence that fuels such a ratio. This is because they use animosity against Islam to fuel German racism.

It is the German state that covers up all the murders committed by the Neo-Nazis in that country. No light has been shed on the torching of hundreds of homes, the killing of people, and outright cases of murder, which have had racist implications. No light has been shed on any of these murders and crimes, but, on the contrary, they have been covered up.

The positioning of the necons at the heart of the system in the United States, and their partnership with the Israeli extreme right, resulted in the waves of racism reaching the shores east of the Atlantic. Europe, Germany in particular, proved welcome hosts for these waves of racism. It didn’t take long for Europe, Germany in particular, to become the flag bearer of the “fight against Islam.”


Germany has taken on a central role in any action involving the Middle East and Islam. It even started showing extraordinary interest in Turkey’s internal affairs, launched partnerships with some domestic groups, and began intervening directly in Turkey’s internal politics. To such an extent that the German administration has something to say about Turkey’s operations toward normalization conducted within its own system, reacts to it in some manner, and retaliates against it.

Apart from coming as a surprise, it is a situation that needs to be monitored closely.

For instance, there is a direct link between German intelligence -- and their institutions linked with their intelligence services -- and the foundations and societies they control in Germany and Austria, which were involved in organizing and directing the Gezi events. It could even be easily said that this incident was one of Germany’s largest operations conducted inside Turkey. Looking at it from this aspect, it would prove beneficial to continuously review their attempts to topple the Tayyip Erdoğan administration.

We know that the United States and Israel deploy the extreme right as a tool of imperial destruction. Germany has joined this list in recent years. Germany, too, uses the rising extreme right, which it has helped fuel, as a weapon in its external operations.


The latest target for this “triumvirate” is Russia. As if the responsibility for the destruction of Ukraine wasn’t sufficient, they are using Ukraine as an excuse to strike at Russia. They are trying to bring the Vladimir Putin administration to its knees through their crippling economic sanctions.

I believe the real target of the operations being carried out in Ukraine by the intelligence agencies of the United States and Europe is Russia. By resorting to ever increasing sanctions, they want to bring about the collapse of the Russian economy, weaken the country politically; and then conduct a similar intelligence operation and instigate some sort of Velvet Revolution in Russia.

They want to substitute Putin’s Russia with a Boris Yeltsin-type Russia and create a sort of “inebriated Russia.” I leave it to you to think of the strain the Russian Federation would come under in such an event. Bear in mind how Asia’s hand would be weakened without Russia, the extent to which the pro-Atlantic center would gain in power, and the extraordinary plunder and looting that would commence as part of the infamous war over resources.

That is when you will see how such intelligence operations are used to manipulate the public in Turkey and Ukraine, how some institutions -- whose stupidity is unbounded -- act as pickets, and how those who won’t stop chanting slogans of freedom and welfare internalize violence and despotism.


They couldn’t topple Erdoğan. They couldn’t even topple him with an extremely systematic intervention like that of Dec. 17, 2013. The people of Anatolia, Turkey, saw the game for what it was and rendered it futile. As long as Turkey’s voice resonates strongly, similar interventions will follow one after the other. But this country is now immune to such attacks and they will find it hard to engage in such arm-twisting.

They have now shifted their focus to Putin. They are trying to depict Erdoğan and Putin in the same light. Whereas this is far from the truth. Anyone who thinks of their country and nationals; doesn’t allow direction by remote, and doesn’t bow to them is an enemy to them!

The fact that Putin brought the country back to its feet after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, increased its power, took ownership of its resources and started a discourse that posed a challenge at a global level, suffices for him to be declared an enemy.

They will establish partnerships with far right groups in Russia, just like they did in Ukraine. The United States and Europe will mobilize their racists for this task. They will mobilize the circles they use domestically to further their anti-Islam, anti-foreigner, and anti-refugee causes for regime change externally.

Let’s see if Putin will be brought to his knees. What kind of future awaits Russia? This clash could lead to some sort of geopolitical rupture, and could lead to serious activity in countries that find themselves on the borders between the East and West.

All the projects initiated by the West, which attacked the world with extreme greed and ambition after the end of the Cold War, have ended in failure. This reality had led to the possibility and hope for a more understanding global order. We now see that no lessons were learnt from all those fiascos! They continue with ambition, greed and aggression, just like in the past.

The attacks on Putin don’t have all that much to do with Ukraine. They have commenced a direct war against Putin and Russia’s resources. Turkey needs to watch this showdown between Russia and the West very closely and pay it the utmost attention.

This is because interventions against Turkey will also continue.

#Middle East
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