Why did Saudi Arabia request armed drones from Turkey? Which front did Erdoğan target? What threat will destroy the region?

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently stated that Saudi Arabia requested to purchase armed drones from Turkey. In the same speech, he asked that the problems between the two countries be solved tranquilly, without getting too heated. Erdoğan made similar statements about Egypt and the Egyptian public, and even announced that meetings with Egypt have kicked off.

Even as Saudi aircraft arrive in Crete…

As President Erdoğan was making this statement, Saudi aircraft were simultaneously arriving on the island of Crete in support of Greece, and photos of the aircraft as well as its “support” were used by Athens to flex its muscles in a show against Turkey.

The U.S., Israel, France and Greece were conducting drills in the Aegean and the East Mediterranean, and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also joined this campaign. Turkey even sent a diplomatic note to Israel, Greece and the EU against this “excessive” behavior.

How can such behavior be explained? You are requesting weapons and military technology support from Turkey on the one hand, while simultaneously joining the anti-Turkey front in the Aegean and in the East Mediterranean.

Saudi Arabia attacking us with Western weapons

Both the problem and solution are revealed at this point. There appears to be no problem or conflict between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The problem in relations is formatted according to plans of “third parties’” for a showdown with Turkey.

The U.S., Europe and Israel have a great regional strategy planned to stop or at least stymie Turkey. We witnessed the results of this in the north of Syria and Iraq. We saw it in the Caucasus. We are seeing it in the most painful manner in the East Mediterranean and the Aegean.

They are trying to drag Turkey into an area which they can keep it under “control.” If they fail to draw it into this area – and failing they are – they are attempting to draw it into an area where they can “siege, corner and collapse it.” They are doing this through terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq, and through states in the East Mediterranean and the Aegean.

Sieging Turkey, sieging the region. They know that if Turkey collapses, so will the region

Therefore, a “conflict line with Turkey” is being drawn on the zone that stretches from the Iranian border to the Mediterranean, from the Aegean to Eastern Europe and the Black Sea. An intense, permanent and threatening military formation is in question here.

The West’s siege of Turkey signifies the siege of the Muslim region; it signifies a blockade of the entire region apart from Turkey. They know that if Turkey collapses, the region will collapse. They saw this in World War I. A century later, they are planning another regional destruction.

Moreover, to prevent this from being perceived as a civilizational and identity war against Islam and Muslims, they are adding “regional partners” in this front. It is an extremely well-designed plan and it is being implemented as we speak!

The December 2013 intervention and July 15 coup were financed by the UAE

The UAE, along with Israel, is the leading country behind this project. The crisis between the UAE and Turkey is not a crisis between two states alone. The UAE’s anti-Turkey sentiment is the result of the great siege operation from North and East Africa to the Middle East and South Asia, and the West’s rage and fear.

Together with Israel, the UAE has been carrying on a regional networking plan to stop Turkey. The UAE is a financier of the December 2013 intervention as well as the July 15 coup attempt on behalf of the West. If the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ)’s Dubai file were to be opened, it would also reveal the web of deep relations in the region’s political history.

The UAE was the one that galvanized Saudi Arabia to take action against Turkey. Upon convincing Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, the UAE’s Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed was able to mobilize Riyadh’s economic and political power in this arena.

Saudi Arabia should free itself from the UAE’s influence

The UAE, Israel and the U.S. boosting Crown Prince Salman’s confidence, presenting him with a new leader profile, taking advantage of his enthusiasm drove Saudi Arabia to the center of a great regional collapse plan.

These crises started long before the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The two countries were positioned against Turkey. From Libya to Syria, from Karabakh to Somalia, they were pit against Turkey in every field. This is due to the fact that regional plans had gained priority over state ties, and all of the West’s initiatives aimed at the vast region struck Turkey, bringing bilateral relations to a halt.

Saudi aircraft’s deployment in Crete is the first example of the clear conflict picture of the crisis. This is nothing other than a “regional conflict” plan. Furthermore, this conflict theory is carried on through the two crown princes, bin Zayed and bin Salman. It is UAE influence that has driven Riyadh to this point – or rather the fact that Saudi’s crown prince is wrapped around the finger of bin Zayed.

Riyadh driven to the front against two countries at the same time

U.S. President Joe Biden’s announcement that America’s support to the Saudis in Yemen will cease, led to the questioning of the two crown princes’ fast and exciting adventure. Following the announcement, Houthis’ ballistic missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia escalated at an abnormal rate. Thus, Riyadh’s pursuit for weapons and military support intensified.

This is due to the fact that the Yemen war has started to become a serious threat to the country’s security and stability. The expansion of Iran’s influence was further encouraged by the messages from the U.S. Hence, those who designed this scenario are provoking a conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

They are dragging Riyadh to a hot war with both Iran and Turkey. Sending aircraft to the Aegean was a undeniable ploy against Saudi Arabia; and unless the Saudis question this, they will be plunged into far worse scenarios.

Why are all wars unfolding on Arab territory?

The Pope’s visit to Iraq, his meeting with Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is the quest for a new siege against Turkey in the East. Turkey sensed this as it focused on the East Mediterranean and the Aegean. We have been following these siege operations very carefully, step by step. However, Turkey is not the only country under siege; Iran is already under siege.

The siege that is not discussed or closely monitored is the blockade targeting Saudi Arabia. Note that all the wars in the last three decades have particularly been unfolding on Arab territory, and how the threat is at Saudi Arabia’s border.

We are now watching Saudi Arabia take position against both Iran and Turkey. While Riyadh’s political mind is in such a dilemma in Yemen, can it handle the burden of being dragged to the front against two countries? It might not. Even pondering this alone will be enough to save Turkey’s policies from the UAE and Israel’s encumbrance.

President Erdoğan striving to prevent a threat that will destroy the region

President Erdoğan is well aware of the West’s scenarios that are based on fueling a “regional conflict.” He is closely watching all the steps taken in this direction. Turkey’s destruction of the fronts in Iraq, Syria and the Caucasus, its quest to destroy the front in the East Mediterranean and the Aegean, the neutralization of the role cast for the UAE and Saudi Arabia are all formatted with this mentality.

Erdoğan is also aware that all plans aimed at sieging Turkey will drive the whole region to destruction. He is striving to prevent this. For a while now, in almost all of his speeches, he has been drawing attention to this danger.

This is also the same reason behind Turkish diplomacy’s and security’s strong initiative concerning this sensitivity. This is the reason behind all the encouraging statements concerning Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Turkey is making alarming attempts that transcends saving bilateral relations.

No problem between Ankara, Riyadh. Then what’s the issue?

But Turkey is questioning in depth the UAE’s and Saudi Arabia’s position on the fronts that are built based on “anti-Turkey sentiment.” Nevertheless, as Saudis attempt to act in accordance with the “open hostility” theory, Turkey’s initiatives aimed at “destroying the fronts within the region” are dependent on the steps Riyadh will take.

There is no problem between Turkey and Saudi Arabia that cannot be overcome. The problem is the West’s positioning of Saudi Arabia on the front against Turkey. This is causing serious detriment to both countries. Nevertheless, Turkey has never adopted a tone of conflict targeting Saudi Arabia.

But enough is enough!

#Saudi Arabia
#armed drones
#Mohammed bin Salman
#Mohammed bin Zayed
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Why did Saudi Arabia request armed drones from Turkey? Which front did Erdoğan target? What threat will destroy the region?
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