Resistance and struggle against the US’s attack

It seems like the pressures of U.S. imperialism in recent days, which started with Pastor Andrew Brunson and is increasingly turning into an economic attack, is going to continue. We can give insignificant answers to, "Why is the U.S. behaving this way?" Because, how we behave, focusing on the solution rather than the problems, should be more important than what the U.S. is doing.

Expecting "normalization" in relations with the U.S. after the speculative attack that started on August 10 is meaningless. Now, a new "naturalization" process will start between the U.S. and Turkey. In this period, we need to be the active power putting forward the conditions and determining relations.

We must first start by abiding by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's call to set up the paradigm and convert whatever dollars we have to Turkish Lira. In order for our people to join this mobilization, our politicians, bureaucrats, and businessmen who have led investments for years, need to turn toward converting their foreign currency. They need to convert their dollars publicly, just as they flaunt how they donate their sacrifices to our foundations and association or other institutes on Eid al-Adha, the Muslim Feast of the Sacrifice.

Mobilization for a new national struggle is starting

Turkey has shifted from the paradigm of thinking and acting on the Western axis, which has started in the Tanzimat (Reform) era. This shift will give rise to new opportunities, and the futility and meaninglessness of the Western imperialism that has been dictated for centuries is going to become clear. Those who have been trying to convince us that the road to a prosperous civilization is possible through the West, will see that they have been the greatest obstacle standing in front of our freedom for years.

The war of independence was our first resistance against Western imperialism. We succeeded. We did not surrender. We achieved victory. Our second resistance was against the coup staged by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), which is under the protection of the West and its undertakers. We were crushed under tanks, shot at, lost civilians to martyrdom, but we succeeded, we did not let them walk all over our honor, freedom and independence.

Now, we need to be ready to mobilize for a new national struggle. Even though it appears like our area of struggle will be economy, in reality, that is not the case. This struggle needs to be put up in every field, especially culturally. If we succeed at showing resistance everywhere, we can achieve victory and this victory will open the doors to us for new opportunities.

It will not only be a certain segment of the nation standing against the U.S.; those who unite on the homeland and national axis, despite having different political views, will take their places in this struggle. The military that cooperated with the U.S. in the 1960, March 12 memorandum, 1980 and February 28 coups no longer exists. We now have a military that is on the side of the people and takes action for our national interests. The cooperation between the people and the military has never, in any time in history, been so clear.

Every opportunity is a step taken to achieve victory

Turkey is now turning toward Asia, Africa and Latin America instead of the U.S. The U.S. should be taught the lesson it deserves. It is time to show how great Turkey is, what a great nation the Turkish people are. We need to respond to the belligerence started by the U.S. by resisting, not by surrendering.

For years, we sought horizons by turning toward the West; we forgot that the light comes from the East, that the wind blows from the south. Yet, there are new opportunities in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Our main aim now should be to pursue these opportunities in a stronger manner and end our dependency on the U.S. fight until we become completely independent and free.

Well-known history thinker Ibn Haldun says states are also born like people; they go through their childhood period, then develop and then collapse. The U.S. has now entered its period of collapse with President Donald Trump; and with the war it started against Turkey, it has given the first signals of this destruction. The U.S. is going to lose in this war and with the joint resistance of world nations, the American century is going to end.

We need to resist in all areas

We are the ones who first need to start this resistance, not the Palestinians or Syrians. We are the ones that need to be in the lead in this turning point in history, which is going to be the century of resistance against U.S. imperialism. We have to contribute to this resistance by not using U.S. products, not watching U.S. made films and not drinking Starbucks coffee. American companies should not be able to do business in our country; our students should be withdrawn from U.S.-backed schools; and the American education system should be first washed out of our country.

Russia, India, China, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa and, as a matter of fact, some European countries should also join this resistance. U.S. imperialism is continuing its own imposition primarily through the economy. Similar to Turkey, it wants to punish Russia and Iran and make adjustments. Soon, India, Brazil, as well as some European countries, will be added to this circle. The U.S. wants to build a world that will serve its own interests alone. U.S. efforts to achieve this can only be prevented with a united joint action, a joint resistance.

Turkey started an important expansion to Africa in 2005. It is now time to reap the fruits of this expansion. While Turkish investors were going to Africa, now, African investors need to be drawn to Turkey. We need to pave the way for companies like Degnote, Amudi, which are shown as the world's richest, to invest in Turkey.

Turkey can resist against U.S. and Western imperialism first by standing on its own feet. The primary move of the resistance requires the resistance spirit. What follows is the decline in foreign dependency. We must continue on our path as a country that produces more than it consumes and a state that is able to market what we produce. We already have products that can easily find a market in Latin America, Asia and Africa. What we need to focus on is making the necessary production and reaching the produced items to these markets in the easiest and fastest way possible.

However, the real fight against the U.S. will take place in culture. The victory won in culture will also be the end of the U.S.'s paradigm and century. Because political and economic achievements are temporary, but cultural victories are more permanent.

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