June 24 is a new declaration of independence for Turkey; both foreign interventionists and ‘internal invaders’ lost!

The votes we cast in the June 24 elections, the decision we took is a new declaration of independence for Turkey. The Republic of Turkey that was established after the fight for independence after World War I entered a new period, left the protection of the “Western axis,” pushed aside all its dependence relations, left the 20th century behind and stepped forward as a new power.

The struggle Turkey has been putting up for the last 20 years is the struggle of such a mentality. A century later, a new start, a new and free historic rise, and a Turkey that has settled in the global power domain emerged. This was a process that could not be postponed or stopped. Those who look at our millennial history in this region will see that similar situations occurred in the past as well, that similar changes took place, that a breaking point in history was made at certain intervals, and that the great change took place calmly, systematically and rationally.

Surely, that political gene, that state mind took action once more today and could not be stopped despite the internal and external attacks. Just as the establishment of the Seljuks, the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish Republic could not be prevented, the new establishment today could not be stopped either.

Those who have grasped the nature of Turkey’s struggle will also understand this power separation, this build of power. Ever since President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan assumed the leadership of this change, we have been facing very severe attacks from abroad. Terrorism, coups, civil war plots, attempts to spoil social integrity, and projects and plans to defame and discredit Erdoğan in the eyes of the people have all been for this.

Foreign interventions are all aimed at preventing a new power from emerging and stopping this nation from undertaking a history-maker role. Because they know very well that if this change happens, the tides will turn. This is a global showdown of powers.

But the resistance on the inside, the partnership on the inside is dreary. They became the internal partners of terrorist organizations, political parties, civil society organizations, the media, certain extensions of the business world, and of the foreign interventions. They too joined the mobilization to stop Turkey. They too fought against Turkey as “internal invaders.”

There was no difference between the goals of these circles and the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) coup attempts and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorist attempts. Only the methods, the language they used were different. Because, essentially, they were the armed or unarmed forces inside that are controlled by the same mind.

The will that turned the Republican People’s Party (CHP) into a national security matter and the will implementing the FETÖ project, the will that has had the PKK attack this country for four decades and the will trying to siege Turkey from northern Syria were one and the same. The will that gathered the Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP) and the Good Party (IP), the CHP and PKK extensions, certain members of the national vision movement, those who took FETÖ initiatives under the “conservative opposition” project and the HDP in a single front was one and the same.

That front was essentially built as an anti-Turkey front. That front was built to prevent the new radical change project, our nation’s great confrontation, and its historic rise.

That front was planned by “some” as an anti-Turkey front. If you look closely, some who had opposed Turkey's growth and reestablishment throughout the 20th century have made a last ditch effort gathering those affiliated to it under a single roof.

But it’s over. There is nothing left that they can do. From now on, there will no longer be any chance to slow down, stop or retake Turkey as hostage.

This is what we call the “Great March.”

6 yıl önce
June 24 is a new declaration of independence for Turkey; both foreign interventionists and ‘internal invaders’ lost!
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