World map changes when Turkey spreads its wings

When Turkey spread its wings after the passage of a century, we saw that a very different geographical region opened up in front of us and that the map of the world was far wider than what we had been taught.

When Turkey spread its wings, we saw that our common past goes much deeper than we had imagined and that those who taught us to narrow our horizons were aware of the glorious future that awaits us and deliberately hid this from us, effectively condemning our people to blindness and memory deprivation.

When Turkey spread its wings, we were able to recall that we have left a mark in every corner of the Mediterranean, shed tears on every square inch of land in Mesopotamia, that the echoes of our laments can be heard in Yemen and Jerusalem, and that the Caucasus and the Balkans are the gates to Istanbul.

When Turkey spread its wings, we saw how many innocents, societies, countries, and hearts out there are ready to share the same emotions with us; and just one greeting was sufficient to make our hearts beat faster.


When Turkey spread its wings, started becoming cognizant of its region as well as itself, and starting speaking its own language after putting away what it had been taught to parrot, we realized how much evil was being nurtured both domestically and abroad to suppress the region’s hopes for another century, and what dirty alliances were established to break Turkey’s wings.

When Turkey spread its wings, we saw that – all the way from Pakistan to Somalia, Azerbaijan to Bosnia, and Syria to Gaza – there are no borders in our hearts and minds, the language spoken is the same, that those who drew up national borders actually drew these borders in our minds, and how clear it becomes, when the mind is cleansed, that these conflict zones created on the basis of identity are pointless.

When Turkey spread its wings, we learned that Istanbul’s fall is akin to the region’s collapse, Istanbul’s rising up could allow the region to rise up, and that the only thing we need to do is abandon the sentences taught to us and learn to speak our own language anew.

We saw that the message contained in the photographs of President Tayyip Erdoğan in Somalia and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s remarks in Diyarbakır represent the same language, our language, and that the doors which have remain locked for a century in the region can only be opened with this language.


When Turkey spread its wings, we saw that a pioneering will exists, that this pioneering will has been espoused by Turkey and the region after lying dormant for a century, and that we have the power and opportunity to nurture it. We saw that what seems like a domestic power struggle and resistance inside Turkey is actually a joint front with foreign backing seeking to crush this pioneering will and awakening, and one that is looking to promote memory deprivation and blindness for another century.

We saw that what was termed “Turkey’s strategic value” was actually a value defined by others and imposed on us throughout the 20th century, and which consisted of Anatolia being a bridge between the East and West while providing us the scope to expand our reach only as far as the Balkans and the Caucasus.

We saw that this definition was just a role given to Turkey, which after serving as an outpost during the Cold War years, would serve as a bastion against the awakening in the world of Islam in the period that followed.

After developing a better grasp of the region we saw that the map was far wider than we had thought, and that just like the partnership we have with Pakistan, we could also be partners with Somalia, which is situated in the most strategic location in Africa. It is this pioneering will which is completely changing the definition of “Turkey’s strategic value” and expanding the map.


Two new rings have been added to what we know as the “inner ring” consisting of the Balkans, Caucasus and Syria. The second ring contains Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan. A third wider ring encompasses Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Political, economic and military partnerships are being pondered with all rings, from the closet one to the most remote. There is a freedom to choose our own friends and enemies instead of having them chosen for us. Those who ask what Erdoğan and Turkey are after in Somalia need to first open a map and think about shifting balances of power in the world, Turkey’s pioneering will, and the power struggles that have recommenced after a century.

We need to have the same presence in Syria and Yemen that we do in Somalia. Azerbaijan and Afghanistan are just as valuable to us as Bosnia is. If we are to be united in the future just like we have been for 1,000 years in history, then Palestine is our common issue; to the same extent that the Kurdish issue is Turkey’s domestic and core issue. Issues in countries like Somalia and Yemen are our issues in terms of our brotherhood. Issues in the wider circle are our issues in terms of our relations and partnerships.


The opposite of all this is destruction. A Turkey which doesn’t steer itself toward its brothers, friends and partners would mean a Turkey fated to shrink, be torn apart, made into a garrison country again, placed on the front line, and one that will waste the 21st century as well. This is the reason behind the domestic and foreign campaigns and attacks intended to break Turkey’s wings.

This is a major calculation. This is shutting the chapter of one century and embarking on the path of making new history. This is a complete changing of our notion of Turkey and the region.

It appears like it will be difficult for the Cold War generation to comprehend this. This is why the political cadres and mindsets, which are based on fear and defeat, find it difficult to take Turkey into the future. In a sense, this generation possesses the mindset of those seeking to impose tutelage, despite the appearance that they move in accord with historical realities.

The British and American effect defines their perceptions of Turkey and the region. Any project carried out via them will never be local. They represent the establishing of a new kind of tutelage in Turkey, which is attempting to free itself from the tutelage system of the 20th century.


A door has been opened for those generations whose minds are free, their confidence high, and who have no fear. The pioneering will by laying the foundations of Turkey’s transformation has drawn the broad outlines of a road map for the new generations. This is why our political elite of the future must be comprised of these new generations. The path should be cleared for cadres free of fear and prejudice.   

Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Anatolia was the final refuge for those who came from the Caucasus, the Balkans and from the South. We took care of this refuge with extreme care during the 20th century. This final refuge is now spreading its wings, reaching out to countries and societies, sharing their pain and touching their hearts.


This struggle is such a great one that we find ourselves in the showdown of a century. We will either emerge victorious from this struggle or condemn Turkey for another century, and leave the region to continue wailing.

This call needs to be issued to the young generations in particular: Clear your minds. Keep your distance from those with a mindset of tutelage. Comprehend your country and all that happened in the last century well. Review all aspects of World War I once again. Look at the world from the eyes of your own region, speak your own language and don’t give in to impositions.

This struggle is one of being reborn. In this regard, it is about drawing a line under the showdown that began with WW I. Shutting one chapter of history represents preparations to found the new Turkey. This is why the struggle we are engaged in is as important as WW I. Pay attention to all the places Turkey can reach when it spreads its wings. This is a freedom struggle for Turkey and the region.

Just like it was the case after the crusades and the Mongol invasion, it is time to take a new leap. It is time to overcome the “Third Great Shock.”

This is what it is!

#Mongol invasion
#Ottoman Empire
#Cold War generation
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