Terror in the East, terror in the West

Acts of terror are normal in the East. They are part of life, ordinary, familiar and everyday acts of killing and being killed.

Acts of terror are abnormal in the West. They are out of the ordinary. They do not happen often.

People who die in acts of terror in the East are only numbers in statistics.

In the West, those who are killed in acts of terror have photos, drama and stories.

In the East, the Prime Minister and President of the country visiting the place where the act of terror took place are booed, cursed and declared criminals.

When acts of terror take place in the West everyone helps, claps, supports their President and Prime Minister and unite around them.

In the East, acts of terror are thought to be a nuisance that country and people of that country deserve.

In the West, acts of terror are seen as attacks the people of that high civilization never deserve.

When there is an act of terror in the West, the US President holds a press conference before everyone else and says “this is an attack on us.”

When there is an act of terror in the East, there is no need to tell the President just for his information.

If it is a country like Turkey and more than hundred people are killed, it is passed over lightly with the spokesman's a few sentences of condolence.

An act of terror that took place in the West is explained as “it is against the western lifestyle, civilization itself and the high humanitarian values.”

When an act of terror takes place in the East, this news is reported as, “the attack targeted a train station, a mosque or a shopping center.”

A big act of terror taking place in the West starts a milestone, becomes a big turning point, they say “nothing will ever be the same again.”

When a big act takes place in the East, it only works to be compared with a previous act that took place.

In the West, when there is an act of terror and if it is committed by people with beards saying “Allahu akbar,” all the Islamic countries pay the price, whether they support that organization or not.

When an act of terror takes place in the East, none of the Western countries either explicitly or covertly supporting that organization pay a price; they even do not take it on.

When an act of terror takes place in the West, the media blame the terrorist, condemn terror, and the criminal is sought outside the country.

When an act of terror takes place in the East, the media of the country blame their own President, Prime Minister and head of intelligence.

When an act of terror takes place in the West, the media of the country do not publish or broadcast bloody and mutilated bodies that will panic, frighten and shock its own people.

When an act of terror takes place in the East, the media of the country find the bloodiest, most mutilated bodies, the most dreadful images and publish or broadcast them.

When there is an act of terror in the West, eastern media becomes sadder, and campaigns “We are crying for Paris” and beats itself up.

When an act of terror takes place in the East, the event is not newsworthy to western media.

If the attack is big, they try to analyze how the West could be affected.

When an act of terror takes place in the West, taking revenge, declaring a state of emergency, waging war against a country are normal and are never questioned.

When an act of terror takes place in the East, every step taken to call to account, every operation performed against the terror organization is followed with “anxiety, worries and regret.”

When a terror attack takes place in the West, intellectuals never question genocide, invasion, exploitation they carried out in the past.

They discuss the belief system and civilization the terrorists belonged to, and the backwardness of their society.

When a terror attack takes place in the East, intellectuals publish the sides of the country administration, religious beliefs and education system as breeding, feeding and growing terror.

It is inevitable to conclude that the thing that really nourishes terror in this world and the West is unfair, merciless and covetousness distribution of revenue.

You are as right as you are strong in the West.

You are as guilty as you are weak in the East.

9 years ago
Terror in the East, terror in the West
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