What was the US’s message and how will Ankara respond?

You must have watched.

Yesterday, a very striking image was displayed on television screens from the Jandaris town in the west of Afrin.

PKK / YPG elements deployed on the town’s streets were seen randomly launching rockets they had loaded onto a vehicle toward Turkish territory unaware of the drone following them step by step, capturing quality HD images.

A drone belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces, after closely following each step of the terrorists, neutralized them by launching a missile at their shelter.

Before being released to the public, this footage was brought to the agenda in the Justice and Development (AK) Party's Central Executive Committee (MYK) meeting.

President Erdogan, who chaired the meeting, disclosed information on the progress of the Afrin operation, and then the committee members also watched the footage from Jandaris.

It is obvious that the images emit confidence to allies and spread fear in the enemies.

Turkey reaching to this point with its own means makes it even more precious.

In addition, one should not ignore the “silencing” effect this footage had on those spreading propaganda that "Turkey has declared war on the Syrian Kurds," for the past 25 days.

Why did McMaster complain and how did İbrahim Kalın respond?

This week, our attention is being drawn to two U.S. visits to Turkey, one of which has already taken place.

National Security Advisors in the United States are always considered as the president's right hand.

McMaster, President Donald Trump’s commander in this position, arrived in Istanbul over the weekend and had a meeting with İbrahim Kalın, the spokesman of President Erdogan.

The “reserved language” in the announcement made by both sides after the meeting made it hard to understand what was really spoken of.

Perhaps, because the White House distorted the telephone conversation between Erdogan and Trump a while ago, making a statement to “keep up appearances’ in order not to occasion a new accident was decided.

According to backstage information, no roadmap has been determined to solve this deep-seated crisis in Turkish-American relations.

McMaster complained about two issues in the meeting.

1-Negative publications regarding the U.S. in the Turkish press.

2- The idea of changing the name of the street where the U.S. embassy in Ankara is located from Nevzat Tandoğan to Olive Branch.

Responding to these complaints coming, Kalın said that the U.S. administration should consider the reaction of the Turkish press as normal for the U.S. stance regarding the PKK/YPG, FETÖ and other issues in this stride.

What messages will be given to Tillerson?

This meeting of McMaster can be viewed as a preliminary preparation for the second visit to be paid Thursday.

U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson will come to Ankara after he visits Jordan and attend talks.

Again based on the information I have obtained, I can highlight the following:

-During Tillerson’s visit he will be presented with new evidence showing both the PKK / YPG cooperation and the continuation of US arms aid to the YPG terror organization.

-It is confirmed by the Turkish intelligence that substantial aid to the terrorist organization is still going since the day of Trump’s plegde saying, “I have given the necessary instructions; no arms will be given to YPG from this day forth.”

-Erdogan will put this data in front of Tillerson, asking, "I thought you gave us a promise, what happened?"

-During these negotiations, fresh evidence will also be put in front of the American interlocutor showing the terrorist structure that was formed under our noses while the Afrin / Olive Branch Operation continues.

- Photos of high-tech concrete tunnels, bunkers, ammunition will be shared.

With this evidence, the kind of a formation taking place against Turkey by the U.S.’s partner in Syria, where an operation is ongoing in Afrin’s countryside, will be shown to the interlocutor.

The mood I sense in Ankara tells me that one shouldn’t attribute too much meaning to these two visits.

What I say not to attribute too much meaning, I mean that the U.S. will not say "Okay, you are right, we will change our policy radically," and in turn, Ankara will not give up its position of "All borders, including the east and west of the Euphrates, are targets."

At this stage, the field is more important than the table.

If Turkey completes the Afrin operation successfully, only then will the table become more important.

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