Decision-making time for EU in a critical turn

When the U.S. changed its Syria policies in 2013, European countries like France and England were preparing to arm the opposition. As a matter of fact, according to the reports based on French President Hollande, France was preparing to intervene in the Assad Regime. But when the Obama Administration's foreign policies changed and things were portrayed as moving from 'draining the bog to dealing with the flies,' European countries like France had to change their Syrian policies too. They renounced their decision to support the opposition, but it took time for them to perceive Daesh as the new threat instead of Assad. For example, although the French Government still stands at the point of “Assad should go” their voice isn't as strong as before. Nevertheless, everyone saw what happened after France spoke loudly. After the Charlie Hebdo incident, followed by the concurrent Paris attacks, Hollande and, thus, the French Government, had to join the silent crowd following the U.S.

Ömer Çelik, the Minister to the EU and Chief Negotiator roaming Europe with two folders, one named 'FETO' and the other 'bilateral relations with the EU', drew attention to this issue during his meetings in Lisbon. He underlined that the wrong calculation the West made was not a subjective calculation mistake, but a mathematical reality. This mistake will continue to be discussed in the EU countries, as the Euphrates Shield, expected to go towards a safe zone in the north of Syria, moves deeper into Syria. Let's wait and see if the EU leaders will realize the mistake they made by sitting on the U.S' tail. Or will they just close their eyes and continue to be dragged towards the cliff?

8 years ago
Decision-making time for EU in a critical turn
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