Obama's legacy

The U.S.'s presidential elections are on Tuesday. The Republicans' candidate is Donald Trump, who nobody believed would be able to go the race to the end when his candidacy was first announced. Despite the liberal democrat world repeatedly saying world peace is under great threat, it was not enough for the American voter – Trump led both the Republican polls and state elections. He used rising Islamophobia and xenophobia like leverage.

In other words, the U.S.'s first black president was welcomed, yet he is not leaving very pleasantly at all. He was received with hope, but now his name is mentioned here with fury. Obama's name has become synonymous with Syria, the blood of hundreds of thousands of people and the tragedy of millions. Naturally, one cannot help but think: George W. Bush destroyed Iraq and Obama destroyed Syria. Where will the next U.S. president destroy and how?

#Donald Trump
#Barack Obama
#Hillary Clinton
8 years ago
Obama's legacy
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