Who is behind the Çağlayan attack?

It will not be easy for anyone to get over the effects of the news from the Çağlayan Courthouse on Tuesday, when the weird nationwide blackout happened, and the happenings afterwards. Also, the efforts of the militants, who refer to themselves as journalists, to present a clear terrorist activity as a “demonstration” during the process of Martyr Prosecutor Mehmet Kiraz being taken hostage and being martyred, will not be easily forgotten.

This is a matter, which will be on top of our agenda for a long while with it's before and after. The long-term and wide-ranged blackout on Tuesday, and Prosecutor Kiraz's slaughter by the hands of DHKP-C, the sickening chaos calls that are sent via organization accounts on the social media, the armed attack on the AK Party Kartal District Headquarters, and the attack on the Istanbul Police Department in the Vatan Street as I was writing this article….. It's impossible not to think that there is a connection between all these.

A new chain of events, which had been started by exploiting Berkin Elvan, are bringing back the question of “what Gezi incidents really were”. Most likely the ones, who claim that Gezi incidents had been a peaceful demonstration and an honorable resistance, and the ones, who still think that we failed to understand Gezi properly, has something to say, and there will be something to say to them all. However, I'm preferring to make assumptions about what happened in the past two days and why.

There is something I say since the first article I've written about the Gezi incidents two years ago; whatever we are experiencing is related with Syria.

Also, my comment on the terror news in the Çağlayan Courthouse on Tuesday when I first heard about it was; whatever is happening is related with Syria.

The ones, who more or less pursue the Shabihas in Turkey, most likely have seen that how the Turkish Baas supporters had gone mad with anger after the victory of the Syrian antagonists in Idlib. In the same days, Turkey's support to the operation, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, against the Houthis, who are supported by Iran, in Yemen shouldn't be really surprising to the ones, who interpreted it by taking it into account.

The ones, who didn't forget the Assad supporter in the Gezi incidents, the parallel structure behind the stopping of MIT lorries as a part of December 17-25 with the accusation of carrying aid to ISIL, the October 6-7 murderers who slaughtered Muslim Kurds as they pour into the streets with the Kobane excuse, can easily see that there is struggle given in the middle of the Middle East to change the century-long fate and that it is closely related to Syria.

Let's say that, because of our introverted old Turkey reflexes, we failed to see the regional aspect of the Gezi incidents for the first couple of days. Let's say that we were so focused on our own reckonings as we were passing through the post-Kemalism period, we failed to understand why the people, who ran to the aid of the twin brother of Kemalism “Baasism”, were panicking. Let's say that we regarded ourselves so special that we didn't give any possibility for the sect conflicts to affect us. Let's say that we couldn't place the U.S., Iraq and Germany, who set it's mind on to inextricably stir up the region, in the correct positions within the same equation. But now, isn't it time to see the bigger picture?

While Iran was setting up a game, despite everything and everyone, sealing deals by playing under the table, turning the proxy war into Shi'ite expansionism, being active in Turkey under the secular-religious guise for an Alewite-Sunni conflict; when will we give up on thinking that we absolutely need the West's support in order to be against the sectarian oppression, which is impossible for us to be outsiders to, and hoping that the West will give that support, if only it fits the game it established? Is it possible not to see that neocons, “neo-Nazis”, the Gülen Organization, which is under the command of the country that he loves in the South, Iran, who turned the Shi'ism into an aggressive, combative and insatiable policy, and sectarian organizations like DHKP-C, who had clearly entered Iran's orbit, and even the political parties like the “new CHP”, which we already have grown tired of seeing the organic relation between them, are all in cooperation and that they are putting all their efforts to include Kurds in this cooperation?

I can hear you say that we had made many mistakes in Syria. I agree with that. By acting carelessly since the beginning, we failed to see the ones on the Shi'ite line, who were willingly killing Sunnis to support Baas, however sweating for Iran to invade Syria. We made a mistake for not replying tit-for-tat. We made a mistake for not sending our own Qasem Soleimani there. By thinking that Turkey cannot establish games when it's needed and looking down on ourselves, we made a great mistake. For God's sake, the West had already connected us to ISIL somehow with or without evidences arbitrarily: what's more to fear? After all, we had lost too much time in the tours to persuade Americans, who are the perpetrator of everything. As we see the ones, who had taken the risk to shed blood in our country for Assad, it offends me to see Muslims who cannot even mention Syria. In the past two years, we had lost too much time, now at least let's finish the duty we started inadequately and let's not lose our honor.

9 years ago
Who is behind the Çağlayan attack?
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