Tehran mediation between Turkey and Russia!

Do not be surprised. The Middle East has experienced many things that were thought to be impossible...

It is worth thinking about the weak hope of Turkish and Russian leaders coming together during the Climate Change Summit in Paris, yet both leaders extending their stays to meet US President Barack Obama, and the possibility of Obama “carrying messages” between the two leaders...

However, if you are looking for a meaningful development, the US Foreign Ministry stated that the downed Russian plane violated Turkish airspace and that there is serious evidence proving this. This statement was made after the Obama-Putin and Obama-Erdoğan meetings, and Moscow announcing that missiles were carried from “air to air” in Syria.

The evidence is with the US Air Force. To make it even better, it should be known that this statement was made by Washington's NATO ambassador.

No one would be surprised to see Russia rage a war after this statement. Going to NATO headquarters on Monday, NATO's Russian representative met with NATO Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow and said, “From now onwards, we will suppose that NATO is responsible for our plane being shot.”

Thus, in this way, the Turkey-Syria border was transformed into a NATO-Russia front enclosing the world.

The Obama-Erdoğan meeting made the top of this list. The focal point was Syria, and it was supported in the Vienna meetings. The American side saying, “We discussed how Turkey and Russia could work together to ease the tension” was an important point.

You can add the unsaid statement, “The US and NATO support Ankara in all other points of tension” with content to the Washington mind.


The West is, generally, rather happy with Turkey's discourse on the downed plane issue. There are two main points: 1. The rightfulness was expressed in a powerful yet modest attitude and this was proved, despite some Western countries already knowing this. 2. They did not fall into Russia's tension trap at all. Ankara moved a step back and put NATO in “between.”

The Russian side's reasons for breaking off relations with Turkey was: 1. Not being able to convince Russian public opinion and 2. The Putin-Erdoğan meeting not being able to strike the right mood, and the possibility of this meeting subserving Turkey.

Regarding the economic enforcement Russia is using as a weapon against Turkey: When we look closely at Russia refraining from affecting the Russia-Turkey energy connections, we can see fear hidden behind all of Moscow's irrational behaviors.

The US has already solved Putin's character routine, thus we can say Russo-Turkish connections are, yet, far from being hostile. Putin stating, “I have tried for good relations with Turkey, but...” indicates the magnitude of the “investment.” In terms of Ankara, Erdoğan's statement, “Let's not make others happy,” is along the same line as Putin's statements.


The interesting point is that the side taken by NATO, the US, Iran and China is apparent.. However, they were all “careless” about peacemaking/disuniting, until the Erdoğan-Obama meeting yesterday morning.

Do not see this in light of the plane issue. I will give a few striking examples... “Turkey downed a Russian plane, and suddenly everything changed. Ankara and Moscow are going through a serious test. This is halting the fight on terrorism. Dispute should be left aside as soon as possible, and they should found their geopolitical interests on global peace and regional stability, instead of basing them on a narrow-minded attitude.” Turkey's rightfulness can be read between the lines in statements made in the Global Times. Yet the real meaning comes to light when it is known that this publication belongs to the Chinese Communist Party. In short, Beijing is giving advice to Moscow and Ankara! (“Russia-Turkey split endangers anti-terror fight,” 29/11.) We can even say that the US and China share similar sentiments in this respect.

And to something that is even more interesting... Iran's religious leader Hamaney's foreign policy adviser and former Foreign Minister, Ali Ekber Velayati, says: “ The tension between Turkey and Russia is not favorable in any way; we do not support this. We hope that the tensions ease and both countries choose to be neighbors.”

If this has not surprised you, I can assure you Velayati did not make these statements in Tehran. He made them in Damascus, after a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Surely, this does not mean that Iran is no longer supporting Assad. They are telling Moscow “not to lose their mind.” Tehran is worried that Moscow might get frustrated and narrow down its strategic perspective. Another aspect is that they might be close to a

“farewell” with Russia in Damascus in terms of power/influence.

Russia's presence in Damascus means, “Command is in my hands.” However, Iranian Foreign Minister Andullahiyan is trying to put forward that they should not be underestimated in terms of Syria, as he says, “We have paid the greatest price in Syria in the last five years. We have lost our strongest forces. If we had not given support, the regime would have collapsed in two years.”

The international tables of negotiation are disabled with their forgetfulness...

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