The common secret between the Volkswagen scandal and Mecca disaster​

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Russian deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov's list of the countries which must be around the table for the resolution of the Syrian crisis and negotiations are the same –except for one country, Egypt; the USA, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

When the natural caliber of the super powers to build/spoil the game is held separate, the remaining three countries at the same time have the power to spoil the game and negotiations. Ankara tops the list…

If you squeeze into a narrow area, such as Syria, both of the two super powers without knowing whether they will support the desire to draw "boutique" borders or not, the Middle East geography, that is already capable of causing a thousand kinds of problems, begins to bend.

It is a fantasy to expect Turkey not to feel restless because of this situation, even just as a poison ivy of terror and the November 1 election is circling around.

This column tries to host good questions as many as good answers. Now we can give more of a place for this…

Fewer Choice: Questions or answers?

For example, is there a connection between the new Syrian conjunction that makes Ankara frown and that seems to prolong Assad's life and the leprous fall of the terror organization that makes Ankara smile?

Or, will Russia's new form of presence in Syria make the Kurdish line/siege that is tried to be taken to the Turkish border easier or more difficult?

If we look at the tone similarities; how can we correlate U.S. President Obama's “there cannot be a return to the prewar status quo in Syria” words and Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan's “there cannot be a return to the beginning in the peace process” sentence?

Since the beginning, the potential threats sheltered in Syria tired the Turkish national security intelligence, but since there is a more turbulent area how can Ankara seem “more relaxed”?

Then as a key, this question, which as the highest bar for Turkey's resolution for this issue, should be written again; what is the meaning/equivalence and function of the İncirlik agreement of shaking hands with the U.S. against the new Russian air base and the image of a big reconciliation in Syria?

Before the return of Russia to the region with the air forces, shouldn't we see an insidious mind of Berlin to withdraw Patriots?

Syria means England and France…But they aren't in the list above. Can we say if they aren't there in the list, that for their Syria the “map will not be there any more”?

(London is the capital where the U.S. declared it gave the green light to Russia/stepped back. And the UK supports this. France is lagging behind…Shows sweetness as the “no-fly zone” etc.)

Russia showed up after the implicit claim which is heard in Moscow “Actually America doesn't struggle against ISIL, but explicitly “protects it.”

In this situation, will Turkey act against ISIL with Moscow or Washington? Ankara and Moscow ask the question the most about ISIL, “Who fed and grew this organization?”

Obama and Putin's speeches in the UN General Assembly were followed at large…Well, did they focus on this sentence of the Russian leader; “We should form a coalition similar to the one that was formed against Hitler in the past”?

1. Isn't there a coalition already? If so, it is bigger now! But not NATO. 2. What's the meaning of referring to World War II?

If there is a greeting sent to the U.S. and Russia here...

3. It means Europe is also included in the negotiation and Ukraine and Volkswagen are the same things!

When it was understood that Russia had a plan and it would address it in the UN, others also started to reveal their own plans.

The U.S. has been the first to talk about another plan, but its content is not important: it is an "image plan". The actual plan had already been spoken about.

The second one is Ankara's plan. It is genuine. Even the part that was leaked till now-the regional regulations in the borders- is only a part of it. Either it is a generic plan or an image plan; essentially all of them are "a single plan"!

Two countries on the wrong side!

If you let me, - it is the right place and content- let me introduce a conspiracy theory...

What the Coca-Cola, or a more popular brand than that, Apple mean to the U.S., Volkswagen and the other famous brands in the automobile industry mean the same to Germany.

This industrial area is at the same time the global symbols of German science-engineering, discipline conscious and perception.

It's not finished yet; as one of the products with additional high value and with sub industrial branches, it affects the relationship with the other European Union countries it leads.

With the current situation, Germany forms one of the strategic pillars between the West and East and within the contemporary practice the Ukrainian and Syrian equation. It determines the political place of Europe.

Here, the automotive scandal hitting just in the spine of Germany, shows us that Berlin is in the wrong side and besides the gigantic financial trouble, presents us the perception that it is a “liar”. Namely it is a hard hit!

The psychology here is interesting. When we remember Putin's “Hitler” reference, we can say that each time the German moral values are hit, actually it dates back to history.

The loss of billions of euros, rather than the economic war, if “lying” is underlined, means; it cheated an allied super power!

As for Saudi Arabia... Riyad has two important resources equal to the automobile industry; petrol and religious tourism. There are difficulties to explain what have been experienced in the Mecca disasters; especially in the incident hundreds of pilgrims lost their lives. (The letters are sent by the Saudi Princes to the dynasty to “dismiss the king”!)

Could these two countries be punished for dragging/letting them not drag their feet on the Ukrainian and Syrian matters?


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