The parallel way of capturing women

During the period when the nation was choosing their leader, I had postponed matters with high risk of manipulation to after the election.

One of these was Bülent Arinç"s laughter "rebuke".

No matter how much it will be glossed afterwards, the rebuke in question was quite problematic in "theological" and "social psychology" sense.

In the Hud Sura"s 71st Verse, it had been commanded that "While Ibrahim"s wife was servicing the angels on her foot, she was laughing since her fear was gone. Right at that time we had heralded Ishak to her and after Ishak we had heralded Yakub." (Ahmet Tekin Version)

A woman can laugh loudly and enter a paroxysm of laughter.

Women are not slaves to men"s "turn on" range.

After describing "Women"s chastity" men centered, ultimately the summary would be "Women are seditions".

Naturally, when men are turned on, women become "sedition".

However, compared to women, men are a thousand times more "sedition".

Despite the divine command, which says, "Don"t make routs or start riots on the earth", from Nimrod to Pharaoh, from Hitler to Netanyahu, men always caused seditions and riots.

Asking women to live according to men"s "sexual continental shelf" is nothing more than taking them captive.

As I remember from my mid school years, there were statements in Montaigne"s "Essays", which explain how many kilometers women should stay away from the priests" sexual fantasy and imagination coverage area (or rather from its malice).

If not, God forbid, priests might be turned on.

As if women are mens" (and their fancies") servants rather than Allah"s.

My brothers, when there is no "moral covering" then the "stylistic covering" has no meaning.

Moral covering is not only valid for women, but for men also…

If the "rebuke" had been made by an ordinary name rather than a known individual like Bülent Arinç, then it"s strongly possible that with the provocation accusation he would have be imprisoned.

Likewise, it"s a known truth that in this country the communal polarization is edited via "life style".

Earlier Mr. Hüseyin Çelik had said, "Yesterday a hostess of a show had worn such a dress that it"s not acceptable. We are not intervening with anyone, but this is too extreme. This is unacceptable even in the world…" about the hostess (Gözde Kansu) of a television program. This statement had started an unnecessary argument.

Before this, there had been warning announcements made in the Ankara subway station against the youth"s "immoral" acts.

Let me say this shortly: Playing the role of "moral police" can only be the manifestation of the conservative moral.

I had included the following during the abortion arguments: "Islamic law is the law of the Islamic community; it doesn"t operate from the top to the bottom. The conservative moral is eclectic. It will treat the Shariah law as the costume in the cloakroom. Islamic law, with Seyyid Kutub"s fitting statement, is the law of the Islamic community. The Islamic law won"t get a hold of the kids, who are forced to steal bagels or baklavas in Gaziantep because they are starving. Likewise, Islam had pioneers like Ebu Zerr, who said "I would be surprised with a man who doesn"t have a loaf of bread at home and doesn"t revolt with his shed sword"…" (04.06.2012, Yeni Safak)

My brothers, because of notorious "rebukes" that are carved in communal memory, the paranoia of "our life styles will be intervened", which is feeding off these rebukes, is getting wilder rather than being extinguished.

instead of such rebukes, if only the explanation of how the "patriarchal culture" had oppressed women could be voiced.

Instead of futile matters like "laughter", if only the "ISIL"s, who constantly carries wood to Islam phobia, humiliation towards women were cursed in every platform.

"Religion against religion", or in other words, the "parallel religion" is appearing sometimes with a smiling face and tolerance and sometime with scowling and terror. (Oh this great devil USA"s forked-tongue!)


Bülent Arinç"s laughter "rebuke" wasn"t completely "futile".

Let"s see what Murat Belge had written in his column in Taraf newspaper: "Bülent Arinç"s words are the most important political statement. "Keep our party constantly in rulership and we will try to fix the great destruction this community had experienced. Let"s reshape our schools according to this, and establish any required and helpful establishment or do whatever is necessary. You just keep on electing us, and with God"s help, we will do all these tasks. We will discipline the women, who are laughing out loud here and there, and walking freely. We will ban the alcohol. We will break our Ramadan fast together….etc.…." (August 2nd, 2014)

How could we had known that Murat Belge was feeding a Ruhat Mengi inside of him, if it wasn"t for Bülent Arinç"s laughter rebuke?

NOTE 1: there are many friends and readers that call me and ask why they can"t see me on the television programs. Yes, due to my health problems, I had been unable to attend any program for the past 5-6 months. Please lend me your prayers, so I could start running again in short time.

NOTE 2: I call a jerk a jerk, and whatever the punishment is, I will accept. However, I"d not like to be misinterpreted. The author of these sentences had been accused of "being carried away with black propaganda flooding" by Ekrem Dumanli for criticizing some applications during the Ergenekon investigation period. When I reminded them of the "parallel members"'' recent oppressions with its examples, a gibbon had said "Where were you at that time, did you ever defend Ahmet Sik or Nedim Sener or Tuncay Özkan? I had replied to him in my "I would say Oh Dumanli but" headlined article, in which I had said, "Present Company excluded, now did you understand "oh jerk!"'' as a quotation from my 30.13.2011 dated article?

NOTE 3: I would like to thank Fazil Say for signing his "Beethoven" album and sending it to me.

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