The Holocaust Industry...

"After World War II, with the rapid removal of antisemitic barriers, Jews began to establish superiority in the United States. The per capita income of Jews is twice that of non-Jews. Among the top 40 richest Americans, 16 are Jewish. In the fields of science and economics, 40% of Nobel-winning Americans are Jewish. 20% of professors at major universities and 40% of partners in prominent law firms in New York and Washington are Jewish. The list goes on. Instead of being an obstacle to success, Jewish identity has become a factor that crowns success. Many Jews distance themselves from their ethnic identity when they see Israel as a burden, and when it turns into an investment, they become Zionist again.

American Jewish scholar Prof. Dr. Norman Finkelstein, in his seminal book 'The Holocaust Industry,' explains how the Holocaust, perpetrated against Jews during World War II, was turned into an exploitation and profit system by Zionists. Finkelstein, who says, 'To boast to helpless people is the courage of organized American Jewry,' reveals the comprehensive panorama of American Judaism and the support offered to Israel. In his book, which he blends with his own family story as the son of parents who survived the Holocaust, Finkelstein exposes the hypocrisy of the Zionists, laying bare all their double standards.

The book, first published in 2000, was translated into Turkish for the first time in 2011, and only managed its second edition in 2023 (Kutadgu Yayınları, Istanbul). Unfortunately, the fact that such an important text, which stirred up storms worldwide from the moment it hit the market, has only had two editions in 23 years serves as a bitter example of the level of interest in the Turkish public. I hope the new edition receives the attention it deserves.

Norman Finkelstein, from start to finish, highlights the fascist and arrogant attitudes of Jews towards other nations with striking examples. For instance, Finkelstein, stating that during World War II, Nazis not only exterminated Jews but also Gypsies, emphasizes that 'Holocaust merchants' insistently deny this reality. He mentions three reasons for this attitude: 1) They see Gypsies' lives as incomparable to Jews', 2) They don't want to share the profits of the genocide with anyone, 3) They are aware that accepting the killing of Gypsies would undermine the Holocaust claims constructed through 'anti-Semitism.'

One of the most striking sections in the book is where Finkelstein explains how the definition of a 'Holocaust victim' is constantly expanded, and thus the world is extorted. Noting that after World War II, there were around 100,000 Holocaust survivors, Finkelstein points out that later, those who 'escaped the Nazis' were added to the list, followed by emotionally affected Jews entering the queue for compensation. Thus, the Holocaust was turned into a massive gateway to profit, especially for Germany, literally becoming the servant of Israel, Zionism, and Jews. The details in the book are so shocking that it becomes clear why Germany is desperately supporting the genocide in Gaza today. In this section of the book, Finkelstein makes a very clever inference: 'If there are millions of Jews today claiming to have escaped the Nazis, then saying that Jews were systematically and intentionally exterminated becomes illogical.'

This paragraph also exposes all the contradictions of the United States and the current world system: 'When the U.S. wants to emphasize crimes committed abroad, it often brings up memories of the Holocaust. However, when the U.S. refers to the Holocaust is crucial. What official enemies do, such as the blood baths by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, brings up the Holocaust, but situations where the U.S. is an accomplice are forgotten. When the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia were revealed, the U.S.-backed Indonesian government was killing a third of the population in East Timor. The East Timor genocide was not compared to the Holocaust, and it didn't even find a place in the news.' In short, 'The Holocaust Industry' is a guide that should be kept at hand not only in these times but at all times."

5 months ago
The Holocaust Industry...
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