Another stormy week

While almost a week was drawing to a close in the new operation, which had started on Sunday morning, an uncertainty still existed as to what will happen.

While writing this article, the result of the dispatch of twelve people, in which Chief Editor of Zaman Gazette Ekrem Dumanlı and President of Samanyolu Media Group Hidayet Karaca are included, to the court with an arrest request, was not designated yet.

According to the information based on Karaca’s lawyer, he had refused to bear testimony. As for the claims that are based on the lawyers, the court will be issuing an arrest warrant for the suspects.

We cannot possibly know what the decision will be or on what basis; however, at 2 o’clock today, we will consequently learn all that in details.

It seems that the result of the investigation, which is accepted as the new and important phase of the struggle with the Parallel Structure, will be treated as the signal flare for what will happen from now on and what will not.

While passing the whole week with the discussions on this operation, we had realized that the Resolution Process, which had been the paramount topic on the agenda in the past few months, had been forgotten, so to say.

Via Al Jazeera reporter Gonca Şenay’s news, we had learned that the sides had come to an agreement on replacing the reciprocal stern statements, which we had been observing for weeks, with certain repose.

After all, what confirms such an agreement is the silence we had been experiencing for the last week. If both sides act accordingly to the decision, it will be a spot on decision, because throughout the process we had seen that the spoken words are inflicting grave damages, rather than the incidents. The fact that the HDP Co-Chairman Selahattin Demirtaş, who hasn’t written anything on his twitter since his candidacy in the Presidential elections, didn’t write anything that might directly damage the process despite his “overflow” on the occasion of December 17 should be an indicator of this agreement.

“Overflow” is the witty word he had used in his latest tweet, that’s why I’ve used it.

For the past few months, Demirtaş has been making statements that are in a different vein than his party, and he still hasn’t replied to the questions and claims “whether these differentiations has anything to do with his recent visit to the US or not”, despite countless speeches and interviews.

I hope one day he replies to that, and in that way this interest, which forms black holes, will disappear.

From now on, as a journalist, we will be pursuing “how much Öcalan’s opinions about the road map coincide with the government’s road map” and “how a common ground can be reached on the non-coinciding areas”.

Then, we will discuss whether the sides had kept or will keep their side of the bargain or not.

I had written previously; actually, we will see the declaration or attitude in the matter of disarmament.

That matter is the next in line; the rest only amounts to passing time or swinging the lead.

In the middle of these crucial and stormy matters, the effects of the crisis in the global economy, the US dollar’s increase in value and the petrol’s decrease in value on us and our surroundings are slowly being felt.

These effects are neither completely negative nor completely positive.

The low priced petrol and the valuable US dollar are both fetching from one side and depriving from the other.

Dealing with this is not that difficult for the Turkish economy.

The difficult parts are always the uncertainties.

The crises in Russia and Iran, whose economies are dependent on petrol and whom we have strong relations, and the possible new crises that could be experienced by both our neighbors are also affecting us.

Putin’s attribution and praises to President Erdoğan’s role in the agreements, are pointing at a new process, before the excitement about the recent agreements with Russia are over.

It seems that a greater quarrel had started and Russia has the intention of resisting.

For now, it’s not possible to make out either the result or advantages/disadvantages; thus, it’s better to just watch out. However, it’s obvious that a period, which is pregnant to quite different developments, is dawning and it’s clear that Ankara will be transitioning into one of the nodal points in the middle of this storm, maybe even more.

Before finalizing my article; we will also see which gazettes to what extent will give place to the things happened between Mustafa Sarıgül and Hayri İnönü, the Mayor of Şişli, which had been published in the first pages of the gazettes today and which will find more place tomorrow.

However, one more time, I’d like to advise you to read “by not believing your eyes”.

From this sense, knowing the formation of the coalition that had nominated Sarıgül, who had been the addressee of these types of claims throughout his entire political life, as the Metropolitan Mayor Candidate, is even more important.

Wouldn’t it be good if the sides of the coalition were revealed?....

#Parallel state operation
#Zaman Newspaper
#Ekrem Dumanlı
#Samanyolu Media Group
#Hidayet Karaca
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Another stormy week
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