Even democracy cannot cure Israel

The coalition negotiations in Israel, which continued after the elections in March, had come to an end only a couple hours before the ending of the time given to the Likud Party's leader Benjamin Netanyahu by President Rivlin. After Netanyahu won the elections, 51 parliamentarians wrote a letter to President Rivlin suggesting that the new government should be established by Netanyahu. However, after Avigdor Lieberman announced that he won't be participating in this period's coalition, from the point of parliament arithmetic, the possibility of Netanyahu establishing the government became more difficult.

The minimum representative number required to establish the government in the Israel parliament, which is formed of 120 chairs, was 61. Netanyahu will be the Chair of a coalition that barely acquired this number. In Israel, which is being administered by coalitions since their establishment, the new coalition government is formed of 5 parties. The coalition is formed of


, Binyamin Netanyahu's party,

HeBayit HaYehudi

, the party of the previous period's Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett,



United Torah Judaism Party

, which are known as ultra-Zionists/ultra-Judaists, and the Koolanu Party, which is placed on the center-right. It seems that the coalition will be facing a heated domestic and foreign policy agenda. The primary issue will probably be the continuation of the established government. Because, the reform suggestions brought forward by Netanyahu in the previous period had been prevented by Shas and United Torah Judaism.

The matter of “how the ministries will be distributed between the parties in the coalition” seems to be a separate issue. According to the implementation in Israel, the constituter of the coalition, Netanyahu, has one week to constitute the Ministerial Cabinet. As of today, Netanyahu has 2 more days left to present his Ministerial Cabinet list to Knesset.

As you can remember, in Naftali Bennett's message to Netanyahu, he stated that in the case the Ministry of Justice is not given to his party, they would be staying on the opposition side. The fact that the coalition is formed together with HeBayit HaYehudi Party, gives us the impression that Netanyahu has given what Bennett requested. Another claim is that another ministry given to Bennett's party is the Ministry of Education, which is being extremely cared about by ultra-parties in the country.

Thus, it's being claimed that; as the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Justice will be given to HeBayit HaYehudi party in the new government, it already created a serious disorder in Shas and United Torah Judaism parties.

Actually, Israel is a country, where the economic problems are gradually increasing and where the discomfort of the middle classes is also gradually increasing due to the erosion in the prosperity levels. It seems that the prosperity erosion had caused the Israeli voters to politically radicalize and steer towards political parties, whose fascistic tendencies are distinct, in these elections. On top of that, the difficulty of the established government to work harmoniously due to existing issues, and the possibility of any party, who would pull out of the coalition, collapsing the government, can be read as the beginning of an inconsistent period in Israel's domestic policy. Time will show us how the Israeli community, who lost their common sense and marginalized due to the security policies especially during the Şaron and Netanyahu governments, will evaluate the arguments within the government and how they will be affected from these arguments.

However, we can already say that Netanyahu will attempt to use the foreign policy as a device, which mobilizes the fascism in Israel and isolates the disagreements between the coalition parties, in order to continue and keep his Prime Minister position. At this point, provoking the Peace Negotiations with Palestine especially seems like one of the most important options of Netanyahu. Other than Koolanu, all the parties in the coalition defend the idea that the Peace Process with Palestine should be ended. Besides, all the parties in the coalition are uniting on the matters of; deepening Israel's invasion in Palestine lands, constructing new residential areas there and increasing the state funds implemented on the Haredi, which can be identified as the Orthodox version of Judaism. Thus, when a crisis shows up in the coalition, it's possible to foresee that the first thing Netanyahu will steer towards will be either Gaza or Palestine's other lands.

The developments in the forthcoming days, which will be experienced due to the preliminary examination decision of the International Criminal Court related with whether the Israeli activity in the Palestine lands is a war-crime or not, will result with Netanyahu's early election call, which he did in the previous period, in order to turn the extreme rightists mood in the Israeli community on his favor.

Seeing that politicians like Naftali Bennett, who stated that the stone-throwing Palestinian children's houses should be bombed, are within the new government, it makes us think about the possibility of new massacres towards Gaza.

One of the most important legs of Netanyahu's election campaign was the relations with the Obama administration. While leaving Obama in the lurch by getting up from the Peace Negotiations table, at the U.S. House of Representatives Netanyahu also attempted to get Obama's part in Obama's country by making an opposing speech directed at the nuclear agreement with Iran on the contrary to Obama's consent. However, during the election campaign, he processed the image of a Prime Minister who defends Israel's rights against everyone, including the U.S. At the point arrived, Netanyahu might take steps towards preventing the normalization process in the US-Iran relations. The Iran threat has always been a rhetoric that has been accepted by the Israeli voters.

It could already be said that the new government will be following the classic Netanyahu politics in their relations with Turkey. Everyone knows that Netanyahu is annoyed with Turkey, who puts up a determined stance against Israel's war-crimes in all the international platforms. In short, the new government in Israel is not saying anything new about the regional peace or Israel's foreign policies. It's possible for the fascistic color intensified within Israel to become visible in the foreign policy also. In the forthcoming period, it's highly possible to see an Israel with a heated domestic policy, rather than foreign policy.

#Naftali Bennett
#Benjamin Netanyahu
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