How do lies turn into an ethical code? The truth emerges in the FETÖ trials

The July 15 coup attempt and the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) cases continue full speed ahead in all provinces. In the courts, especially established to present all the dimensions of the most insidious and most comprehensive traitor network in Turkey's history, the prosecutors present the indictments to the court, and in response, the putschists stage their own talented performances. The fact that they were caught red-handed in the coup attempt is so clear that, on first consideration it is palpable that there is not much room for defense and that pleading guilty is the only option.

It like when a man kills someone in the middle of a crowd, and while his gun is still in his hand, he says “I want my lawyer” to the cops who arrest him. The police naively ask: “Everything is so obvious, the victim is in front of you; the gun is in your hand and everyone has witnessed the crime, so what can a lawyer do for you?" The killer responds in the same naïve manner: "
I wonder as well; how will a lawyer defend me?"

Of course, our putschist traitors are not as naive as the man in the joke. It was emphasized time and time again that the defendants’ attitudes in the first trials in Ankara and Silivri were a complete theatrical performance. In the following stages, things went far beyond that. There are myriads of footage of the traitors being caught in the act.

The people who appear on the hundreds of records during the coup act confidently state that the people in the images are not them. They say that the explicit phone messages are not related to the coup. They say that they have nothing to do with FETÖ; that they never knew about FETÖ; that their presence there for the coup and their gathering with the putschists was a complete coincidence.

One claims:  "If you present images showing that I fired shots, I will accept all that I am charged with  and put a bullet in my head." When the images of the scene are presented, he says, "I just held my gun as a reflex of self-defense. I shouted, ‘Get out of here.’ I did not use a gun at any moment that night, and me holding a gun does not mean I fired it.” The pilot who bombed Parliament says he did so with the objective of "fighting terrorism.” One caught in Akıncı says that he came to "spend time with his grandkids,” while another claims that he came there “to shoot an animal documentary.”

They explicitly mock rationality and intelligence. They distort reality in the most radical way possible.
They completely deconstruct texts and derange the meaning of language. In this respect, coup trials are not only a performance, but also the unprecedented incidents that psychologists, social psychologists and sociologists need to carefully examine. These cases need to be thoroughly analyzed. It is possible to come up with very interesting theories by scrutinizing the rich examples we have been presented with.
Where does the motivation rendering lies and the distortion of reality a pattern of common behavior originate?

It is not a common matter that such a populous group so blatantly adopts lies as a form of expression.

We are confronted with a mindset that has been organized outrageously as a secret society for 50 years and considers all kinds of deception, murder and conspiracies acceptable to achieve their goals. They don’t hesitate to cover their lies with other lies.

Those who set out to form a criminal organization cannot be expected to hold themselves to any ethical code. There is no ethic, but methods in the mafia; and they take heed to comply with these methods. Despite FETÖ being a a criminal enterprise at its annex, it holds people together with religious discourse at its infrastructure and this discourse is expected to have an ethical code that cannot normally be renounced. What can prompt a movement that is motivated by religion to so easily adopt a lie which is a great crime and misdemeanor in all ethical perspectives? An ethical code with a religious foundation can be only suspended by a religiously-based justification.

One of the Ten Commandments of Judaism says, "
You will not lie.
" But the Jews are the ones who rule the empire of the world media based on lies. Likewise, one of the Ten Commandments says, "
You will not kill
," but most of those ruling the weapons industry with killing machines are Jewish, and they continue to kill many Palestinians in their own region. Another commandment says, "
You will not take interest
," but those who are at the helm of the world’s finance capitalism are Jews. What makes some Jews suspend these basic religious orders, the Ten Commandments, is that they have "another ethical code" against the gentile. Suggesting that they “
do not have any responsibility to the gentile (non-Jewish)
,” they suspend all ethical codes against them.
They do this in quite a religious sentiment.
Today, they do not have the slightest compassion toward any of the millions of people who die in the most brutal and merciless ways in the world with the weapons they build, the wars they instigate, and the plots they scheme. They have no sense of responsibility to them, as they are not of the same religion.

Lying is probably not considered ethical for FETÖ members, but they lie in such an imperturbable manner because they find religious legitimizations for these lies.
With a clear conscience, they can lie to others, steal their goods and violate their rights.
Because ordinary people do not have a share in their mission. So, they have no responsibility toward them.

This double-standard ethical approach is in fact humanity’s most important issue and one of the most important issues in discussing Islam’s mission with other religions.
There is a lot more to say on this subject. 
7 yıl önce
How do lies turn into an ethical code? The truth emerges in the FETÖ trials
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