The freedom of expression fraud

It’s not hard to guess that following the Charlie Hebdo attack, the arguments related with Islam, Europe identity and multiculturalism would be rekindled, not only in France, but all around the world. We are living in a world, where Europe is trying to market and even impose multiculturalism to the globe as a value within the context of the existence of the right of freedom of expression and cultures. To be honest, if Europe didn’t fill in those values at its own will and continued to be liable to the standards it propounded at the beginning, these are values that don’t need to be objected. Also, multiculturalism and freedom of expression, as an important epiphany field of freedom, are not values that Muslims can object to. All the fusses, who put an effort into activating a certain complex in Muslims on this matter, know quite well that there is no unlimited freedom of expression.

Besides, similar to how there is no such thing as freedom of restricting others’ freedoms, it’s not possible for expressions, which trespass other people’s rights, curse, humiliate and fuel the hatred, to be evaluated within the freedom of expression. The people, who put the “freedom of expression” in front of the Muslims like a graven image made out of halva when Muslims’ sacred values are in question, will eat the image without shame when the matter is about Jewish hostility, internal racism or hatred expression being in question.

Essentially, we are not objecting to them eating that graven image. If this image has been built, then it will either be destroyed or renewed. The problem is most of the time they don’t realize, or to put it better, “devise” that this graven image they eat on occasions is just an image.

Still, they are remembering that the halva they eat is a graven image, even if it’s only when it suits them, there is still benevolence.  However, our part is to remind them that those values, which they had put in front of the Muslims, had transformed into graven images in their own hand; it’s not like Muslims are objecting to neither multiculturalism nor freedom of expression. On the occasion of these incidents, Muslims, actually because of the treatment they’re exposed to, are bearing witness to the transformation of the values, which has validity globally, into graven images.

When used in a way to form a shield against insulting what Muslims hold sacred, those values turn in to misdirected graven images.

As a result, nobody is loyal to the end over the claims carried by this graven image, and cannot be. The most important feature of these values, which has graven image quality, is being contrary to human nature. As it had been realistically stated by the Pope, nobody tolerates any humiliation, swearing or insult directed at his or her own mother, honor, pride or any other holy matter..

Nobody will be unresponsive to these types of actions.

The Western world had made some regulations, which regards anti-Semitism and racism as a crime, after the lessons they’re learned from the fatal results of their great sins in World War II. Besides, it kept the scope of this crime so wide, that not only hatred expressions or actions against Judaism, but even discussing  the number of deceased Jews in WWII had been included within this scope and considered in these types of expressions as the expression of Jewish hostility.

Because of this, Roger Garaudy being in the first place, many people stood on trial. In the parliaments of the same Europe, it had been accepted that the Armenians had suffered a genocide in 1915 and that it’s an indisputable reality, and also, that all the expressions, which denies and opens this reality to discussion, will be evaluated within the scope of “freedom of expression”.

This is actually the exaggerated example and confession that there is a limit to “freedom of expression” in the world also. This is also a perfect example of a value’s transformation into a useful graven image.

Muslims are trying to be “disciplined”, according to some illiterate understanding, and their patience is being tested over the graven images, which had been placed via insults towards the Muslims’ most sacred beings.

In this way, they are transforming Muslim hostility and hatred towards Muslims into a norm. Again, in this way, actually they are revealing that they failed to exceed anti-Semitism, in other words racism, fascism, and on the contrary, they had oppressed their tendencies on that matter due to constraints.

Because, there is no difference between anti-Semitism and these expressions towards Islam categorically.

In the matter of anti-Semitism, in other words, some assurances formed on the matter of Judaism, are not originated from Europe’s success in exceeding racism and in forming a certain protective sensitivity against fascism. If that was true, we could have been more optimistic about the future. However, despite the assurances on the matter of anti-Semitism, Islamophobic expressions show us that the malignity, which might arise if it finds an opportunity, is on full alert.

When you undermine  expressions, which forces Muslims into a complex on the matter of freedom of expression, you can see the authoritativeness of fascism.

Even in the expression style of multiculturalism, there are clear messages related with the fact that only with cultures, which proved their loyalty to the essence of Westernized culture and not far or different from it, can the “multiculturalism” model be actualized.

In other words, the sophistication only remains at the same level of the culture residue, after they had been liable to the dominant culture, and accepted its supremacy and decisiveness in many fields

Is this the atmosphere deemed proper for Muslims, who had performed the perfect examples of the freedom of religion and consciousness to the humans for centuries with their countless experiences?

9 years ago
The freedom of expression fraud
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