The US is the world’s most dependent country

I have already emphasized that Trump's announcement in the UN General Assembly that the U.S. has abandoned the doctrine of globalization has no effect on the globalization process. With that, I don't mean that the globe will have no problems.

Today, we are living in a more globalized world with each passing day and the most important feature of it is that interdependence has increased.

The said interdependence is increasing in the present course of the world, because we do not give up our consumption habits by any means. We become more dependent on technology and production every day.

The production process required for the products we consume and the necessary raw materials are by no means the resources that a country can supply alone from its own dominion.

At best, a kind of international division of labor is about to be established, and with respect to this division of labor, everyone has extra resources, but at the same time needs others. This means that the organic division of labor developed along with the industrial community at the community level has spread to a global and international level.

Just like no one can be self-sufficient to meet their own needs at the community level, not everyone can be absolutely independent at the state level since they increasingly need products, raw materials or energy resources of other countries.

The demand for absolute independence may be a resistance that can only be made at the cost of depriving its citizens of many things and closing the door on the world. As a matter of fact, the more complex and advanced the division of labor is, the stronger the society becomes. However, the interdependence of the organs can be accordingly.

A pain felt in the whole organism when one of the organs does not function properly is experienced as an international crisis. At this point, interdependence creates an illusion of freedom, which increases to the extent that it facilitates the works of the parties; it is none other than interdependency that actually underlies the more work volume, the more activity.

In this sense, it is both the logical and the actual result of the process that the one with highest level of development shall be more dependent. Therefore, the most dependent countries created by the globalization process are the U.S. and China as the most powerful countries today.

This dependency is either due to the fact that the products needed are in other countries or because the markets needed to sell the manufactured products are in other countries. In both cases, the most dependent country in the world is currently the United States.

As such, we can say that analyses that put globalization against the nation-state substantially disregard this very important dimension. Determining that the global dimension of the world we are living in is expanding, of course, does not mean giving up the nation-state identity, it priorities or its interests.

Indeed, the fact that some globalization analyses have deployed this equation in the early period made it difficult to understand the dimensions of the event. Globalization has been proposed as an identity that requires the rejection of the nation-state or identity, and it has turned into an equation that has not been validated by the developing reality.

The more globalization increased, the more nation-state sensitivities have increased; rather than having diminished, contrarily these analyses were followed by a process in which involvement of the states behind non-state actors has become more apparent as they have come to the fore. Today there is no multinational company without powerful government support behind it. As globalization and, consequently, international interdependence increase, national identities become stronger.

I'm not saying this as a good or bad thing. I point it out as an important dimension in order to better understand what globalization equals.

Then, does a businessman like Trump, who is leading a country in the globalization process and has investments and multinational companies in many countries of the world, not know about all this, but thinks that he can stop the world?

Undoubtedly, the globalization that Trump speaks of is a doctrine of globalization, which has become ideological and no longer expresses reality, rather than a process that points to a sociological development. The only thing that both advocates and criticizes this ideological assumption conception is U.S. hegemony. Trump is desperately trying to protect this hegemony, which the United States is about to lose.

Of course, another language is actually being spoken at the ideological level and the major mistake is that those involved in the discussion continue to speak without separating these levels.

This being the case, we watch around the blind flying of concepts in the air, just like in a bar fight, in which it is not known who hits whom, and the barstool and tables are blindly flying to hit random targets.

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