Who will this alliance save?

Finally, We should see the tomorrow's elections will also take us to a junction point.

It is obvious that the entire elections represent a junction point where people have lots of options in respects of their choices.

The elections offer people certain options of either to go back or to turn another direction regarding the course of the country's governing.

By not being obliged to follow the same direction forever, the people deciding to follow the direction with their own willpower are of course the superior sides of democracy compared with the other regimes.

Now people will decide whether the Turkey that has been going in the same direction for 13 years will continue in the same direction or not.

In this decision, all the other parties' anti-propaganda and efforts to convince were freely expressed. This poses no harm.

Democracy requires a debate environment where from time to time the limits of criticism can be overpassed. Everyone should let the chips fall as they may, he must be able to do it. But no criticism should reach the dimensions of violence, threat and blackmail, which are going to by-pass the decisions and willpowers of the people. Because democracy cannot be the name of the decision that is presented by the people whose willpowers are taken from their hands by being frightened and threatened.

Those who believe themselves never try to convince the others by frightening them. Because it is not named as “convincing”, but “capturing”.

Every election has an assembling story. Unfortunately, the assembling story of this election will be the terrific guardianship that the parallel organization established with various mechanisms on the whole parties except AK Party and the empire of horror that HDP had established especially on the Kurdish voters.

They denied the masonry documents by being lost in the confusion about the parallel organization recently published in Yeni Şafak newspaper.

But I think if you want direct evidence, you can find that direct evidence by looking at the way at the same time all the parties discuss in these elections. The parallel organization, by showing a performance writing scenarios one by one from HDP to MHP, from CHP to the allied parties, did not abstain from prompting the scenario apparently.

They didn't put all the eggs into one basket. This is a working style that is peculiar to the masonic organizations, but the necessity of gathering all the opposition in this election breaks the eggs into pieces.

This was explicitly exposing all the tales of hypocrisy.

All the channels of the parallel organization with the anti -PKK and anti -BDP broadcasting, which makes statements of hatred for years through the serials as Şefkat Tepeleri (Clemency Heights), Tek Türkiye(One Turkey), Karanlık odaları (Dark Rooms), is busy now day and night with putting on democratic, peaceful and humanist make ups for HDP and PKK. They are preparing them to be the cute coalition partners for the next term.

HDP's base is interestingly preparing to buy the possibility of a coalition with MHP. The same thing is prepared in MHP's base for the possibility of a coalition with HDP. It is like a sign of doomsday.


Confirmed enemies' coming together solving the issues between each other of course does not disturb us. We say good luck with it, say it is a step on the way to peace, brotherhood. However, this alliance, this approach is not a good sign.

This approach's main aim is to rescue the parallel organization and “service” it.

It is unlikely that it is voluntary. An alliance without trick, without fraud, plotless and without blackmail cannot come true. As if a hand has assigned all the parties to rescue the parallel organization. The mission has been appointed: Rescue the parallel organization.

For this, downgrading both AK Party and Tayyip Erdoğan in these elections is necessary. It's an alliance that does not have a project and favor for the entire country.

The zealous support the organization gave to this team in order to rescue the parallel organization, the “help” needed, is provided by the international powers.

Thus the actual boss of the team is showing himself. Is the parallel organization sacrificing itself and all the support continents for those powers? Or has that organization, in order to rescue its loyal parallel organization, assigned all the elements? For now it is not definite, but the organic relation is the thing that obviously appears by means of this.

Eventually for all these powers the elections that will be held tomorrow is the last chance for them to start getting rid of AK Party and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who do not want to share the rulership with them at all and behave on his own.

Meanwhile, in the eyes of the people they fooled in the West, the gimmicks of HDP, that they wanted to shine in the east non-stop, without changing and with full speed, are going on.

Finally, only two of the cases in the records:


HDP's Siirt deputy candidate, İsmail Aydın, predicating himself to the sheikh's family trying to collect votes, took with him Bitlis deputy candidate, Celadet Gaydalı, also predicating himself to the Hizan Sheikhs and went on a “follower hunt” in Shirvan. In the villages they passed by saying the people “we are sheikhs, you are our followers, you have to vote for us” they started a great campaign of persuasion.

For now we cannot know how many votes a Marxist-Stalinist organization collected this way, but as they know that this way will never be persuasive alone, we know that for those who cannot be persuaded, they are sending the actual persuading team with guns.

The villagers whom they wanted to persuade, exactly by using the same language at a village that they stopped in, showed them the exit of the village saying, “You lost your way for the Marxist-Stalinist organization; how could you be our sheikh, how do you dare to ask for votes from us with this reason?” And also a tumult breaks out that continues at the police office and a discussion they had over the mosque and flag.


The second event takes place in Eruh. Some villages of Eruh are sending animals to the plateau nowadays. The animals of the villages, where there is a possibility to vote for AK Party, are now being sent to the plateau and are forcibly obstructed by the terror organization PKK there. The cost of this obstruction has been very heavy for the villagers and the message is quite clear.

To exceed the threshold, if HDP is only content with a discoursive campaign, there is no problem. Even if it exceeds the threshold, it becomes one of the possible and acceptable results of the democracy, but what can be the results of an election that it will enter under these conditions?

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