After a military coup attempt, we now face an economic coup

The economy will mainly determine the fate of the elections…

The values and the balances in the economy being shaken and played upon will cause it to spin out of control.

Jewish interest lobby is conducting an operation against Turkey!

As the elections loom, an economic operation is being conducted against Turkey, its balances are being played with, and a dramatic explosion is taking place in the exchange rates…

Who is conducting this operation? The Jewish lobby or Jewish power which commands the United States in every aspect and controls the interest rate.

Or let me put it this way: This is a NATO-FETÖ (Fetullah Terrorist Organization) operation.

Michael Rubin who is a nemesis of Islam and Turkey a couple of days before the dramatic increase in dollar tweeted:

“When will the U.S. dollar be five Turkish Liras? Next week? Will the American dollar be 10 Turkish Liras just after the elections? Erdoğan’s ignorance and ego is ending the purchasing power and economic savings of the Turkish public.”

Also, the tweet was written in Turkish!

What kind of a situation is this then? This tweet is a small but important indication that somebody is trying to cause chaos in the country ahead of the elections.

They are trying to speed things up and change the fate of the elections.

On the cover page of the French Le Point, there was the heading “Dictator Erdoğan”…

This vulgar magazine is asking “How further will Erdoğan go?”

They are out their minds!

You can only expect infidelity from the infidels.

But what about us?

We keep fighting with each other.

Moreover, there are some people who are jubilant because of the increase in the dollar.

Are these people even human?

A very creepy social media operation is being observed in the social media: There are some people who consider this economic assault as an opportunity and posted numerous tweet many times more than the usual.

One friend said, “We found out that one person has 17 fake accounts.”

Seventeen accounts! These are the accounts that have been discovered. Imagine those that have not yet been discovered!

Measures the government has to take

There is an entire month until the elections. The last fortnight is critical. It is necessary to be careful.

(Please have a look at the sentence I write, “The last fortnight is critical. It is necessary to be careful.”)

It is because of the fact that what we are experiencing seems to be a war instead of an election.

The imperialists are doing their best in order to turn the elections into an internal conflict or social and political chaos.

However the main problem is the dollar issue:

Imperialists are trying to achieve through an economic coup what they couldn’t through a military coup!

The government has to take measures immediately!

Why on earth is Minister of Finance Mehmet Şimşek not making a statement? Why on earth isn’t the finance staff taking steps in the direction of defusing tension and constantly enlightening the public? Frankly I don’t get it.

The most important step that the economy and finance staff should take is to quell the panic and horror originating within the framework of questions like, “Is an economic crisis coming” or “When and how will this situation be handled?”

Secondly, social peace and the environment of solidarity should be established and weakness should not be revealed with this regard.

Thirdly, administrators, particularly, should be careful about refraining from making statements that could render Turkey an open target to global evil powers or turn the money balances and economic balances upside-down.

The society should be wise!

And, the society… The society should not give any chance to those who are trying to constitute a state of panic and drive the country into chaos and should behave astutely.

This should not be forgotten:

Societies that do not stand in solidarity and fall out with each other in difficult times, fall part just like rosary beads... They cannot recuperate easily, they crumble, and cannot escape from being wasted!

The imperialists will not be able to bring Turkey to its knees! As a society, we will not let this happen.

What I care about is not a party or politics.

What I care about is Turkey.

If the society, as a whole, cannot take a determined stance at a time when Turkey is under an obvious attack, it will no longer continue to be a society and it will be wasted!

#Middle East
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