Rand Corporation: The obscenity of ideas

In this article, I want to draw your attention to what Rand Corporation has been doing from a different angle, in cliche terms, from a game-changer perspective.

What we have before us, so to speak, is a “think-tank,” in other words, an “idea organization.” However, this is a soulless partner in crime that works in coordination with intelligence networks and provides material to murderous networks. A partner in crime that shows imperialist states’ crime networks where and how they can commit homicide! A “network” that works like a subsidiary of the institute called the National Security Agency, which formulates the CIA’s security reports!


The Rand Corporation does not only prepare reports about Turkey and the Islamic world. It prepares reports concerning all U.S. military and security problems. You might think at first glance that it is serving its country.

But in the meantime, an image is produced for the U.S., as a country in which democracy, freedoms and rule of law are sovereign, that both stands for these values and is striving to spread them across the world.

On the other hand, there is almost no country in which it has not shed blood, no leader it has not ousted, no region it has not conducted a coup, no murder it has not committed with homicide networks, with terrorist organizations it controls remotely and uses as a tool.

In this context, there are two Americas: the first is an America, a country of freedoms in which – it is said – freedoms and democracy and rule of law are sovereign.

The second America is the evil America that is behind coups, murders and invasions.

These think-tank organizations have a significant role that should not be undermined with respect to the production and promotion of these two Americas.

I want to make some philosophical specifications on the way these think-tank organizations produce information and present this information to use. Looking closely at the way think-tank organizations produce information and put it into use, we see that we are face-to-face with a deviation concerning the nature and function of information: all the information that can possibly be obtained by dozens of universities only is obtained by this one corporation itself. Initially, there is nothing wrong with this.

However, looking a little more closely, of course, this is not the issue that needs to be focused on and discussed in academic terms.

It is that this information is being processed, produced and used for extremely disgusting and evil purposes in terms of the future of humanity. We have and “organization” in front of us that shows imperialists where and how they can commit murders, that legitimizes the murders to be committed, and uses academics to serve the horrible aims of imperialism. This is intellectual terrorism!

Look at the magnitude of the paradox: these are the networks that prepare the reports associating Islam with terrorism, that present the Islamic world as a hotbed of terrorism, and as a result, pit the imperialists against the oppressed!

Real terrorism, truly terrifying terrorism is this intellectual terror!


Therefore, the Rand Corporation ultimately operates as an idea tramp!

Information is transformed into a pornographic item in the complete sense and used with pornographic methods!

Information is knowledge, meaningful and valuable if it enriches us, if it contributes to our discovery of the world, materials and the truth.

Here, this Rand network and information to be used for similar intelligence purposes, operational purposes serve to form perception, manipulate, brainwash, and direct the masses in line with state policies or strategies, and is used for such operational purposes.

Information’s transformation into a pornographic weapon means the control of the world by the empire of perception rather than the mind, mentality, thought.

Then, welcome to the desert of the post-truth era.

#Think Tank
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Rand Corporation: The obscenity of ideas
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