So what does Macron's 'secularism warning' mean?

French President Emannuel Macron said, while there is nothing in the air, "Turkey is shifting from secularism toward a pan-Islamic direction. We are concerned about this."

As the global chaos hits EU countries too, as U.S. President Donald Trump makes economic threats to leading EU countries like France and Germany, why would Macron make such a statement?

On whose behalf and why is Macron speaking?

Yes, fine, but who is Macron?

Is it the EU boss Germany making Macron talk, or is it the global system's boss, Macron's supporter, the global Jewish force and network in the U.S.?

What do Turkey's secular/laicist factions think about Macron's speech? Do these people think Macron cares about Turkey?

No, they can’t have become this ignorant.


Of course, Macron is not the first Western leader to speak this way - and he will not be the last either.

For almost a century now, but especially in the last 40 years, certain Western leaders have increasingly been "warning" Turkey about avoiding "deviation from secularism."

Alright, but why?

Where do Western leaders get the courage to bring Turkey into line at every opportunity?

Is Turkey a Western colony, the West's slave?


The real burning matter here is: from time to time, Western leaders say, "Turkey can never be left to its own affairs."

This is a statement repeated over and over again - at critical times - by almost every prominent Western leader, from Reagan to Thatcher, Wolfovitz to Clinton.


Giving Turkey a "secularism warning" has never been a good sign. It has always ended in various forms of chaos and states of emergency.

I would also like to draw attention to the timing of Macron's statement: the Trump administration is starting an economic war against Turkey.

What's more, Trump is openly declaring this war against EU countries like Germany and France, as well as other countries, by blatantly naming them .

Then, EU leaders, primarily Germany and France, state that they are with Turkey. Turkey's finance minister met with his German and French counterparts in Europe, where they held meetings and took important decisions to act jointly against Trump's "economic war."

At the end of it all, Macron makes a statement like, "Turkey is shifting from secularism toward a pan-Islamic direction. We are concerned about this."

He prates about Islamic terrorism.

What's more, he says "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the supporter of Islamic terrorism," and puts President Erdoğan on the target board.


I would like to specifically remind that the more Turkey gains strength and upholds its civilization claims; the more it says, "Turkey does not consist of Turkey alone," "Turkey is more than Turkey," the more Western leaders are going to increasingly continue their "secular warnings" on Turkey.

I cannot think that Macron is speaking without thinking, nor that he unaware of what he is saying.

This man is speaking on behalf of someone.

It might seem paranoiac, but I say this in terms of this country's future: I wonder if the U.S. on one side and the EU on the other - while they smile at our faces - are planning to put a big game into play against Turkey?

Macron was not given the necessary response.


Is it because relations with the EU need to reach a certain point against the U.S.'s economic attack?

But in spite of everything, Macron's disgusting statement cannot be accepted.

Could there be a plot being planned against Turkey - like I said?

Are they trying to corner and suffocate Turkey?

We are going through a period in which we need to be very careful and have foresight.

We will stand tall, never surrender to bandits, but we will also continue to be prudent and perceptive.

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