We are taking Turkey back, and won’t give it up!

Yesterday in Batman, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terror group shattered our souls again. Eight soldiers of ours were martyred because a mine bomb was detonated with a remote control.

Easy to say! Eight deaths, eight young people in the prime of life!

We are fed up with this!

Why are you so obsessed with these very young people, who have committed their heart and soul into ensuring the safety of you, me, namely all of us? Such a turpitude, such a betrayal!

Damn you, and your thuggish, imperialist patrons!

I beg God's mercy on our martyrs and a quick recovery for our wounded soldiers.

I say that it's time to understand that you will not achieve your vicious goals by shedding blood and causing distress.

I say that it's time for you to understand that you are exploited as the slaves, servants and pawns of imperialists.

The imperialists may be equipping you with guns today, but when they're done with you tomorrow, they won't hesitate to pick you up and throw you in the trash, and I say you should always bear this in your minds.

Nothing is the same after Operation Euphrates Shield!

You will not reach your goals by shedding blood and trying to create chaos in the country!

You will be an instrument for imperialists to set up their traps with a huge pleasure, but only for a little while!

Exactly, only for a little while!

The imperialists will get the hell out of here!

Sooner or later they will get out of these lands...

The time is near...

Turkey's journey for absolute independence that started with Operation Euphrates Shield has put fear into the hearts of the imperialists: Euphrates Shield proved that this country could not be brought down to its knees. In this respect, it has already taken its place in history as a milestone, a turning point, in the process of absolute independence of our country. Euphrates Shield is a turning point: there is now a before and after of the Euphrates Shield operation.

Before Euphrates Shield, all kinds of ploys by imperialists and their puppet organizations would succeed.

But the Euphrates Shield was an iron fist, an Ottoman slap that staved off all these ploys.

The country and the key institutions of the state were slowly but steadily purged from the traitors, and are still being cleaned…

What is by now acknowledged by imperialists for sure is that nothing has been the same again after the Euphrates shield operation! Nothing will ever be the same!

The Hakan Fidan revolution cleared the path for Turkey...

For the first time, Turkish intelligence became independent thanks to the deep-rooted and powerful prospective civilization perspective of Hakan Fidan; for the first time, it started to see and eliminate the plots of the local and foreign rogues one by one; it proved for the first time how vital and decisive it is for our country to have a functional national intelligence.

For the first time, the Turkish army has reached a level of power and self-confidence to remove all the obstacles in the way of our independence and future by making use of its UAVs, AAV's and its advanced defense tools and weapons that are not yet introduced but will shock imperialists and their exploited pawns when launched.

Admittedly, we have huge problems in other areas: in economy, politics, and the legal system...

But for the first time, there is a truth that has become a reality: Turkey has the self-confidence to repel all local and foreign threats, the human resources and technical facilities required to that end and an independent state instrument for the first time.

The imperialists that caused mayhem around us failed to bring Turkey to its knees, which has been put under pressure by countless ploys, stratagems, and hundreds of terrorist organizations.

And they will never be able to bring it to its knees!

We are taking Turkey back, and won’t give it up!

The tumors in the state are substantially eliminated.

The state, for the first time, has come into the hands of the real children of this country.

Turkey was taken away from the children of this country. But our nation did not give up or get destroyed; it exhibited active resistance since President Menderes, and thank God, it started to take the control of the Turkey back from imperialists and their brain-washed stalking horses!

The terror, especially if it causes the death of eight young people, breaks our hearts!

We will suppress our pain in our hearts and we will never give up our struggle to reclaim Turkey from imperialists and their tools!

We face enormous problems in education, culture, media, law and natural economy...

This is the recovery and reclaiming process for Turkey. In every sense, this is a great struggle for independence and the future.

For the first time in two centuries, we began to reins.

Compared to two centuries ago or even a century, we are stronger and also more confident to get our feet on the ground.

Aware of all these, imperialists have made an open target of Turkey in the last 5-6 years, but thank God, we repelled these attacks each time.

We will not surrender Turkey.

We will not bow down before the imperialists.

We will stand upright, we will stand really upright.

But we will never cease to be on alert, and we will be prepared for ploys.

We are going through a difficult process, a painful one.

But we will not forget that all big births are painful, and cause suffering.

The truth that is obtained easily, without suffering, without paying a price, is also lost easily and causes misery...

Enlightenment is bestowed on societies that endure its intrinsic troubles, and pay the price for it.

#PKK terror group
6 years ago
We are taking Turkey back, and won’t give it up!
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