What is/isn’t America? America is not real, for one! It’s a simulation!

Elections have been held in the U.S., but the correct outcome is yet to be revealed – or perhaps, it never will be!

As this is what the typical U.S. structure necessitates, or rather, in the Kantian sense, as this is whar the U.S. texture “orders”, the “desired result” of the elections rather than the real one will be obtained and presented! This is no joke but the reality!

This is the case because the U.S. is not real!

The U.S. is a joke – a laughing stock!

More precisely, in the U.S., reality is a joke, and the joke is the reality!

Farce upon farce will be experienced; farces will turn into nightmares; nightmares will be presented in a provocative tone, and every bait will be taken! Many “charades” will be staged during the process of obtaining and presenting the results! These are going to be absolutely potent performances – convincing and provocative shows!

I will not be discussing the results of the elections in this article. I am going to write about the U.S. Then, you will discover the answers to questions such as what an election is, how the results are obtained and, most importantly, where the U.S. stands!


Despite America being present everywhere – perhaps this is the reason! – America is the place we know the least!

We do not live in the U.S., this is certain. But we are all experiencing “America” – without any exceptions! This is more certain! But nobody should hear, learn or know this! It is going to immediately object, and itself won’t know that this reaction is a typical American reaction. As we mentioned, the U.S. is ubiquitous!

Yet, if the U.S. is everywhere, then where is the U.S.?

Everywhere is the U.S.! The U.S. is everywhere!

If the U.S. is everywhere, then the U.S. is nowhere, right?

This is because the U.S. “destroys” everywhere! The U.S. destroys the essence, freedom, and spirit of every place it touches, and influences!


The U.S. is not real. The U.S. is a joke! A reality joke: It is an artificial world. It is a makeshift, artificial, and fake construction! It has no history, no legacy, no philosophy, no melody, or soul. Hence, it is not real; it is a big fat joke! In fact, it is a bad joke on humanity!

It is a universe of simulations that not only comes at a high price for humanity but also paves the way to the extinction, evaporation, and meaninglessness of humanity, reality, and the truth! It is a planet of shallow, fake, and superficial artificialities.

The U.S. is a surface. Hence, everything very easily becomes meaningless and evaporates in the U.S., and in every place’s world, where there is a U.S. presence!

The U.S. is not real, it is a shadow; it is a shadow, a caricature, a polished specter of Europe!

The U.S. took to the stage after Europe made history after two world wars, swallowed it up, started acting like it, imitating it, became a clown from stem to stern, and eventually turned into a specter of the European dream!

The U.S. is a no-country. A dystopia. It is not an essential country, for example. It is not an essential country that has something fundamental to tell the world and humans with respect to the Creator. It is not an essential country that provides an essential world where people can experience themselves, discover themselves, be themselves, and excel.


The elections were held in the U.S., of course, but can America, can Americans really elect?

The U.S. does not have a will! The U.S. is supposedly the world’s most “libertarian” country; but there is no other country in this world where the essence of freedom was so destroyed, where slavery is thought to be liberty! Because the U.S. is a no-country!

America has no will. America is a slave. It is the new Babylon of Jews! It is monstrous but also the slave of the main provocative power developed by the Jewish mind that has taken control over everything and stupefied the world!

The U.S. is a place bought with money and enslaved!

It is a series of tragicomedies: it would be sold in exchange for money, there would be an escape to China, it would be left to its own devices and abandoned to chaos, and wiped out of history by experiencing the disaster of disasters, but it would come at a high price for humanity; every inch would be drenched in human blood, and it would eventually drown in its own blood, like Frankenstein, craving its own flesh!

#Joe Biden
#Donald Trump
#Kamala Harris
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