
Recreated photo of rescued Nigerian ‘witch’ boy goes viral

Loven recreated the iconic photo showing 3-year-old Hope, having just completed his first week at school, which has now been shared over 27,000 times

Ersin Çelik
17:19 - 4/02/2017 Saturday
Update: 17:33 - 4/02/2017 Saturday
Yeni Şafak
A Danish aid worker who rescued a young boy that was ostracized by his community in Nigeria celebrated his recovery by recreating the iconic photo showing 3-year-old Hope, having just completed his first week at school, according to The Independent.
A Danish aid worker who rescued a young boy that was ostracized by his community in Nigeria celebrated his recovery by recreating the iconic photo showing 3-year-old Hope, having just completed his first week at school, according to The Independent.

A Danish aid worker who rescued a young boy who had been ostracized by his community in Nigeria celebrated his recovery by recreating the iconic photo showing 3-year-old Hope, having just completed his first week at school, according to The Independent.

The image of her, encouraging him to drink from a bottle of water, went viral around the world last year.

Anja Ringgren Loven and her husband, David Emmanuel Umem, run an orphanage in south-east Nigeria called the African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation (ACAEDF).

The charity is specifically dedicated to rescuing children who have been abandoned or tortured and ensuring that they have the opportunity to go to school.

"Being rejected by your own family must be the loneliest feeling a child can experience, and I don't believe that anyone can imagine how that must feel like," Loven said.

Loven and her husband took on the then-two-year-old exactly one year ago today, naming him "Hope".

The boy was ostracized by his community who accused him of being a witch.

When Loven first encountered Hope during her mission to Nigeria, he was emaciated, riddled with worms and was suffering from hypospadias.

"A rescue mission that went viral, and today it's exactly 1 year ago the world came to know a young little boy called Hope," Loven wrote on Facebook last week.

"This week Hope will start school," she added.

The new post, which shows both the old and new images side by side, also went viral and, at the time of writing this report, has been shared over 27,000 times on social media websites.

Beating world leaders such as Pope Francis and former US president Barack Obama to the title, Loven received the accolade of being named "the most inspiring person of the year 2016" by OOOM magazine last year.

#Witch Boy
7 years ago