
1,363 suspects taken into custody in Turkish counterterrorism operations in one week

Turkish security forces conduct 250 counterterrorism operations and 556 drug raids conducted across Turkey in one week

Ersin Çelik
12:32 - 13/02/2017 Pazartesi
Update: 12:43 - 13/02/2017 Pazartesi
Yeni Şafak
Nine terrorists were neutralized during the counterterrorism operations; one was killed, one was wounded, six were captured and one surrendered.
Nine terrorists were neutralized during the counterterrorism operations; one was killed, one was wounded, six were captured and one surrendered.

Turkey's Interior Ministry announced that secuirty forces conducted 250 counterterrorism operations nationwide in one week, arresting 26 of the 250 suspects taken into custody on accounts of aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.

Gendarmerie special forces, gendarmerie commando units, police special forces and the land and air branches of the Turkish Armed Forces carried out the counterterrorism operations.

As a result of the operations, 45 suspects were taken into custody for allegedly being in contact with the Daesh terrorist organization.

Operations targeting the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) resulted in 792 suspects being taken into custody, 147 of whom were arrested.

Six suspects linked to separatist terrorist organizations were also taken into custody.

Nine terrorists neutralize

Nine terrorists were neutralized during the counterterrorism operations; one was killed, one was wounded, six were captured and one surrendered.

15 shelters and caves destroyed across 4 provinces

A total of 15 shelters and caves were destroyed in the operations. Six were destroyed in Tunceli, one in Bitlis, one in Hatay and seven were demolished in Diyarbakır.

Twenty-one handmade explosives were destroyed and 625 kilograms of explosives were seized. A total of 32 various guns, 12 of which were heavy and long-barreled, were seized, including a rocket launcher, Kalashnikov and M16 rifle.

Drug raids across 74 provinces

Across 74 provinces, 556 draig raids were conducted. As a result of these operations, 1.7 tons of marijuana with a market value of TL 18,365,100, four kilograms of cocaine and 11,624 pills were seized.

Security forces also seized 43.534 kilograms of heroin, 2.729 kilograms of methamphetamine, 1.745 kilograms of synthetic cannabinoids and 7,285 hemp plants.

In addition to the seized drugs, security forces also confiscated 891,400 illegal cigarettes with a market value of TL 6,550,640 and 77,110 liters of fuel oil.

Thirty-nine of the 868 suspects taken into custody in connection to the drug operations were arrested.

33 illegal people smugglers arrested

In the struggle against illegal migration, 3,049 illegal immigrants were captured, 134 of them who had traveled via sea.

Thirty-three of the 95 illegal people smugglers taken into custody were arrested.

8 yıl önce